12// the finale

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(Y/n)'s pov

The first thing I heard was a phone ringing, far away off into the distance but I still heard it. The next thing that I heard was the loud beeping next to me and people talking and walking around. I scrunched my face up together lightly groaning and fluttering my eyes open. I was met with a boring white color, obviously a celling because I was laying on my back on a bed of some sort. I tried moving but my muscles ached and I felt it hard to move. I also tried to make noise but all that came out was a dry squeak. Suddenly I heard people who were not very far away. I listened closely for any information as to why I was like this

"will she make it out of this alive?" A voice sounded and I widened my eyes. It was Mark. God I wanted him to come over here and give me the biggest hug anyone can give another person.

"I'm not sure Mr.Fischbach it's a while" a unknown voice said and I heard a sigh, which probably came from Mark.

" but you said her vitals were improving" Mark said again and I heard the squeak of a chair, signaling her either stood up or sat down

"They were, but her vitals are acting very strange and we can't pinpoint why it's happening" the unknown man said again and then everything went silent. I took this as my chance to make any sort of noise, and I did. I let out a strange sound that could only be described as a mix of a seal and a injured bird and automatically someone who I have never met was hovering over me with a panicked look in his eyes

"She's awake..." the man said and Mark ran to my side. It was different though...his hair was no longer the faded but still vibrant red it had once been but was now black, just like a year and a half ago. I smiled to the best ability at him, pushing my confusion to the side when all of the sudden he buried his head into the side of my stomach and started sobbing uncontrollably. I was beyond confused at this point. In the middle of his sob attack I could make out things like 'told me...dead...love you'
Suddenly doctors and nurses were scrambling around the room in a panic. A nurse with shortish brown hair stopped at my side and tried to sit me up, holding a water bottle in her small fragile hands. Once I was sat up she helped me drink it and I felt a little better. That meaning my throat was no longer burning with great fury anymore. I felt weak. It was hands down the strangest feeling I've ever felt. I was so confused. Mark was squeezing my hand still sobbing and making my confusion worse.
"(Y/n) if you could please try and say anything that would be greatly appreciated" a doctor said and I nodded while opening my mouth and whispering a fragile
"What's going on?"
Mark let out a breath of relief and ran his hand through my hair. My hair. It wasn't short and choppy anymore. This had to have been a dream! I would wake up and...and... and be back with Aimee. Before I knew it I was shivering and breathing heavily in a state in panic, thinking about all of the events that occurred and the yelling and the pain. If this was a dream I didn't wanna wake up, even if I was in a hospital bed not being able to talk. I still remember the last words that Mark said to me. 'Wake up'
So was THAT a dream? Then why am I in a hospital. I had never been more confused.
"(Y/n) sweetie listen to me, I'm gonna explain what happened and you are gonna be okay" mark's soothing voice said and I gave him a nervous smile.
"Okay. So I took you on a date to a place that me and bob went to when we were in college, a river." The river? I remember the river! I hit my head and literally forgot everything but they helped me remember! And jack and Mark fought and the hospital and I was pregnant.
"Well you hit your head very very hard in a bad area and you have been in a coma for a month and a half now and everyone came in town god they were so worried about you" Mark said and I furrowed my eyebrows
"No..." I said and he looked at the doctor.
"What?" Mark said and I took a breath using strength to talk
"No, I awoken out of my coma a very long time ago, I was pregnant Mark we have two children what is going on I wanna know!" I ended up yelling the last part and Mark took a step back
"W-what?" He stuttered and I nearly started to cry, the tears in my eyes forming quickly
"It was a dream wasnt it?" I said and the doctor stepped in
"Coma dreams are uncommon, but I suppose if you think all of that stuff happened then it must be true" he said and I felt Mark latch himself onto me, and his warmth made me feel better." I took a moment to let it sink in. Willow and Oliver never existed.
Suddenly someone burst through the door.
"A NURSE JUST TOLD ME WHAT HAPPENED! HOLY FUCK (Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY?" A loud and small Irish man burst into the room. Jack. I took a breath and started to let some tears slip out of my eyes.
"J-jack" I muttered and he ran to me, hugging me tight as Mark backed away from me and smiled. I remember his disoriented face, as Aimee had people beat him. He had fought for my safety. But at the same time he never did that. Other people rushed into the room. Emma was the last on to come in. Her face was red and puffy.
"Emma!" I said while giving her a smile and she squealed while running to me. I was so happy. It felt like it wouldn't last. All my friends surrounded me while smiling and telling me all what happened. When everyone calmed down I took a moment to look at Mark and he spoke
"I bet they were beautiful. The kids." He said and I smiled
"They were..." i said but then frowned while looking down knowing I wouldn't be able to see them again
He grabbed my chin and lifted my head up so I was looking in his eyes
"Maybe one day it will happen again" he smiled and kissed me. It felt so good to be kissed by him again. He was about to stand up and walk away so I could talk to more people but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me
"You still love me right?" I said and he smiled while moving hair out of my face.
"Honey, of course I do. And even if I didn't I know that I will always fall in love all over again"

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