Happiness and Runaways

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FELIX//9:35 am//

As soon as I woke up I smiled at Marzia as I kissed her cheek and her eyes fluttered open
"Morning Felix" she smiled happily and I smiled back

"I didn't mean to wake you sweetheart, you can go back to sleep." I said getting up and stretching

"Nah,I'm glad you did. I needed to get up in the first place...plus do I smell...bacon?" Marzia licked her lips and jumped up. She was wearing a baby blue night gown and her hair was down, but still beautiful. She didn't have on makeup but she still was the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.

"Could you like, stop being gorgeous?" I asked while scoffing and putting on some socks, knowing from experience that their floor was usually cold in the morning.

"Sorry Mr.Poodiepie, I can't help that I more fabulous than you" she said while flipping her hair and throwing on some pink fluffy slippers. I gasped and started walking up to her while wiggling my fingers

"You better watch yourself!" I said and she noticed my fingers and squealed while running out the room.

"You come back here marzia!" I yelled and she shook her head while going into the kitchen and hiding behind her brother.

I raised my eyebrows and her brother simply laughed

"Marzia. I ain't no slave Hun, you best accept your punishment" her brother said while stepping and away and before Marzia could run I grabbed her and started tickling her. She laughed and squealed. I let go of her after a while and we both started laughing. I sat down while the others in the walking started to make our plates. I sat next to Marzia and grabbed her hand under the table. She sent me a smile and we heard a door open from the far hallway. I gave Marzia a worried a worried look and she shook her head , signaling that she was fine. I knew it was mark because everyone else in the family was already in the kitchen.
The footsteps closer and Mark ((JOHN CENA)) waked into the kitchen.

"Good morning lovely people!" Mark piped and took a wiff of air and smiled
"Is that bacon?!" Mark smiled and skipped...yes literally skipped over to the table while taking a seat.

"Morning Mark! I wasn't sure if you were joining us but luckily I made extra food" Marzia's mum said and sat a plate of bacon and waffles in front of him, then me and Marzia and everyone took their spots.

"Thank you very much! So how is everyone today" Mark said and I raised my eyebrows while tightening my grip on Marzia's hand
'What are you up to fischbach?' I thought and Marzia shrugged, while letting go of my hand and starting to eat.

"I'm doing ok..how about you mark" Marzia asked while filling her voice with concern. He looked up and chuckled

I felt something rub against my leg and I looked down to see maya and Edgar at my feet. I shook my head and they both tilted their head while Edgar whimpered. I rolled my eyes and picked up a piece of the bacon,splitting it in two pieces and throwing it on the floor to the dogs.

"Felix!" Marzia raised her voice and I snapped my head up and looked at her Marzia

"Mark is talking to you" she muttered and I looked at him, who was laughing.

"I was just saying that I was good but I need to search pretty hard today so can you help me?" He smiled and I shrugged

"I don't see why not, I really don't have much to do today" I said and his smile somehow got even bigger. I picked at my food and ate a bite

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