The stolen mermaid part 4. My resolve

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Me and Harvey were sitting across from each other in a booth of my favourite restaurant: The Blue Lagoon. The menu does anything from seafood to Indian, it's themed around this place in Iceland where there's natural spa's everywhere. It's my dream vacation destination, if I ever feel brave enough to go on a volcanic island. People go to the springs all the time that are heated by the volcano, but still, a kind of active volcano still sounds worrying.

"So, Amy. What did you think of the mermaid? Wasn't he cute? I mean, for someone with a tail for legs and elvish looking ears. I thought he was adorable and he's even our age, not that I'd even think about going out with a mermaid. I can't believe they're even real! Earth to Amy!" She finished without taking a breath, I blinked out of my daze. For some reason I just kept thinking about those sad, ocean blue eyes, so full of hopelessness and desperation. It was like he was trying to ask me to help him. How could I even help him? I can barely help myself when my parents aren't around. It's not as if I'm rich enough to own my pool he could swim in even if I were to take him, the biggest scientific discovery since the light bulb. Harvey is rich, she might have a house with a pool somewhere, but how would I get some one who can't walk to another destination? I shook my head, trying to empty these bizarre thoughts out of my head. I probably looked like a demented wet dog. I just realised that Harvey had been talking and was waiting for my response. I was expecting to say something along the lines of "yeah, it was cool." and try to make my self sound some what cool, but what really came out was:

"It breaks my heart to see him chained up like that, he's already trapped and they think to restrict his freedom even more with that collar and chain. His expression said he knew he would never get out of that tank and I hated it. I hate it! I want to do something, I feel so useless. Why can't I do anything to help him? What can I do to help him?" I put my head in my hands and started weeping dry tears, not only out of sadness but out of anger and uselessness. Harvey looked like she didn't know what to say so we just sat there is silence until a waiter came over and asked for our orders. We just ordered two cokes and picked the first thing I saw which was a plain cheese burger, Harvey, being the vegetarian that she is, ordered some kind of pasta.

"So, what are you going to do about it, Amy? Sit here feeling sorry for him, wallowing in your own self pity?" She finished with a firm look in her shining green eyes. She was being cruel to be kind, as my mum always said. My best friend was right though: What's the point in sitting here doing nothing when the mermaid boy is probably crying. For all we knew he has a family back where ever he came from, maybe a younger sister who misses him terribly. It's not right to split up family whether they're mermaids or not. I made my resolve right then and there: I was going to do... something. I hadn't though that far ahead yet, though it would be helpful if he could grow legs or something. Any way, one thing is for sure though, I will do everything, everything in my power to free that mermaid and stop him from suffering in that so called life. I will do something!

This chapter is a bit shorter but hopefully there'll be more action in the next chapters. :D Thanks for reading this far :D

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