The stolen mermaid Part 5: The Plan

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"HARVEY!" I called out across the school hallway to try and get her attention.

She managed to worm her way through the crowd to me. I had spent all of last night forming a plan to save the mermaid boy, who's name I still didn't know, and all I had come up with was going to see him again and hope inspiration would hit me and I'd actually figure out a plan. So step one in that 'plan' would be asking Harvey if she could get me VIP tickets again.

"Harvey, is there any possible way you could get me another VIP ticket to see the mermaid? It's really important that I do." She looked at me in the eye and replied.

"I can see you are actually serious about this. I'll help you from now on, OK? I should be able to get us as many VIP tickets as we want, my dad is rich after all." She flicked her plait and smiled.

"When do you want them for?" she asked.

"This Saturday earliest we can get, same time as last time and we'll be early again. Do you want to sleep over again? My parents are still away on holiday, or work or whatever." She nodded her agreement and we agreed to meet after last lesson so we could go to my house together. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

"Harvey, wake up! It's already 7 and you're not ready yet!" I never thought I'd say that in my entire life and I never thought I'd be awake before Harvey, the morning person. I was already ready in my white blouse and black jeans, I wasn't wearing my hoodie but only because it was hot, not to impress the mermaid which is what Harvey seems to think. I couldn't wait to learn his name, I'm positive that he was about to tell me last time before that sleazy man came in. I also wanted an answer to what that man had actually done to him, however vague the answer might be. We were on the bus around the same time and this time I was just as excited as I was nervous. Harvey kept giving me these strange looks, the same ones I were giving her once before on the same trip, like: Why are you so energetic this early. I stopped skipping and tried to control myself before we reached the aquarium, I wouldn't want that sleazy man to think I was young and naïve and try to trick me into buying something.

"Young Ladies, how lovely to see you again! It's almost like were old friends." I smiled politely, even though I completely disagreed and tried not to wipe my hand on my jeans when he shook my hand. I could see Harvey trying not to do the same. It seemed like he was being purposely slow just to annoy me, it was taking an eternity just to get to the immoral looking metal doors.

"It seems that the mermaid hasn't left the back of the tank since you left, young lady, no matter what we try. I am so very pleased you decided to re-visit it. Observing him before, after and during his time with you is intriguing." He waved us through the metal doors and closed them behind us. Once again I immediately met those ocean blue eyes, it was like he knew I was coming. This time I had a purpose so I strode up to the tank, slowly as to not frighten him but I still walked with confidence. Harvey and the rest of the room fell away again when I placed my hand out against the glass, it was like when you get completely absorbed into a book, like nothing exists aside from the words in front of you and the world those words build in your mind. The boy was still at the back but facing me with the same piercing eyes. I gave him a gentle smile which seemed to decide him, he swam over me and set his hand across from mine once more. Tearing my eyes away from his I noticed some red around the collar he wore and quickly realised it was from where the collar had most probably been roughly pulled. This is probably what that man meant when he said 'no matter what we tried'. I tried my best to show my sympathy through my eyes and asked the question I had tried asking last time:

"What's your name?" he smiled ever so gently and this time even opened him mouth before he closed it again. He seemed to be considering whether he could trust me. For all he knew I could be one of the sleazy man's workers.

"Trust me, I want to get you out of here." This seemed to give him more confidence, he even nodded as if he understood every word which was strange considering he lived under the sea, I was also surprised he could even hear me though the glass.

" Eli." I thought how mysterious it sounded and is it just me or does his name sound faintly feminine. It suits him I suppose, he's not the most manly of men or mermen or whatever. He seemed relieved when I smiled, he then proceeded to do a series of hand gestures along with mouth movements which I think meant he wanted to know my name.

"Amy. Nice to meet you, Eli!" He responded by placing his webbed hand across from mine with a slightly shy smile.

"By the way I'm Harvey." She looked over at me with a glare. "It's nice to meet you." He looked at me for what looked like reassurance, asking whether or not she could be trusted. He took my nod and smile as agreement and he then done the cutest thing ever: With his hand across his chest he did a merman version of a bow, like an old fashioned English gentleman. Harvey glanced over at me with her eyebrows raised, as if he was my boyfriend that had done something she was impressed with. I was trying to formulate a plan to help him get out of here but the main problem I kept running into, solid as a brick wall, was transport. Being 15 meant we couldn't drive; we can't trust anyone to drive us any where and even if we did Eli would probably dry out before we could get him anywhere; public transport is definitely out and there is no way me and Harvey could drag him anywhere. A thought hit me, though it sounded ludicrous even in my own head.

"Eli, is there any way you could walk?" I asked. He thought for a moment and then nodded. I wasn't sure if he understood right.

"With legs, I mean." He smiled and, again, nodded. This makes things a lot easier, I could actually see a crazy escape plan working. Next step: the glass. It was most likely industrial glass which was bad for us because it takes a lot to break.

"Harvey, any ideas on how to break industrial glass?" She looked at me as if I was stupid.

"Be serious Amy. Even if we did manage to break the glass there's no guarantee that there isn't a security system attached." She could see my face falling. "Did I say I was finished? The top of Eli's tank is probably open, since they have to feed him and stuff, meaning if we could pull him out then he could magically grow legs, as he says he can, and we could make a break for it." I looked at her with admiration shining in my grey-blue eyes. She rolled her eyes as if to say I was stupid for not thinking of that before.

We decided that we could sneak past security at night to get in and out and bring some clothes for Eli since there is no way we could have him walking around naked in public. It seems as if we have finally got an escape plan. It has to work, please let it work.

Hope you found this chapter more interesting and better to read. Sorry it's been so long, my laptop was in repair for ages. Once again, thank you for reading this far and look forward to future chapters! >.<

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