The stolen mermaid Part 6: Escape plan in action

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Using my savings I managed to buy Eli a pair of white skinny jeans, the black and navy had sold out,typical, and a polo shirt with a sweater over the top. We need him to blend in as much as possible, plus Harvey just wanted to see what he looked like in skinny jeans. She is as man hungry as Paris Hilton's boobs are fake. To sneak past the guards Harvey and I also had to change what we're wearing. In the end, after watching a prison break movie no less, we decided on a black beanie to cover my ginger hair (Harvey's black hair would blend anyway), a black sweater/ long sleeved t-shirt, black jeans/leggings and black shoes. We were ready for a break in!

"10:00pm. An hour and a half since the aquarium has closed, security should be less tight than during the day. Harvey carries a black rucksack holding Eli's clothes, which Amy managed to force her to take."

"Amy, who are you talking to? It sounds as if we're on a stake-out." When I gave her a confused look she rolled her eyes at me, it seems to be becoming a habit.

" Seriously, get your facts straight. We're doing a break in not a steak-out." The old ladies on the bus next to us gave me and Harvey strange looks and we heard them start muttering about 'today's youths' and 'it's the computer games'.

When we arrived, after viewing the blueprints Harvey managed to get from her dad's associate - don't ask me how she actually managed to get them, it must be one of the perks of being rich. We walked around the back of the aquarium to the staff entrance. For such strict security at the front the only thing that stopped us from walking straight through was a door, and get this, it wasn't even locked. Stealthily, we managed to make it all the way through the aquarium, up to the 'balcony' thing that staff use to feed the fish and past one security guard which nearly blew our cover when my hair came loose which almost made Harvey sneeze.

"Du,du duu. Du, du, duu." I hummed.

"Amy, I understand the feeling of adding the mission impossible music to our break in, but, really, it's not actually stealthy when your making noise." I muttered my apology; seconds later she started humming it as well.

"Who's not being stealthy now, Harvey?" I asked. She didn't look sorry in the least when she apologised. Our footsteps slightly echoed off the metal we walked on, the sound of dripping water muffled our steps. We came across a door similar to the huge, intimidating metal doors that we used to enter the room across from Eli's tank. Harvey pushed it and, unbelievably, it opened. Seriously, all that security and they even leave they key in the door. Idiots! They probably think that no one is stupid enough to try and steal a creature that can't walk on land, like us. The door creaked slightly, but other than that no sound was made as we approached the top of Eli's tank. The cyan water was rippling ever so slightly, I could see the white hair of the mermaid below the water. He turned to look up at us with hope glinting in his stunning blue eyes, he was waiting for us. He swam to the top of the tank so quick that me Harvey got splashed with a bit of water. I met his eyes that I am slowly becoming familiar with, it's the first time seeing his eyes with no glass between. It's as though they create their own blue light, stunning.

"Hello, Amy! We don't have any time be gazing lovingly into each others eyes."

I blushed slightly, she continued "You grab his right arm and I'll grab his left. Pull on three." Eli looked between us and raised his arms as far as he could with out us even having to ask to.

" One, Two, Three" We both pulled roughly up and only managed to get his top half on the metal balcony. Again Harvey shouted to three, and again we gave another sharp pull. The sound of his tail hitting the metal below echoed off the walls. We all looked at each other, we need to hurry. The collar round his neck was exactly like a dogs so it was as easy to undo as a zip. The red marks round his neck looked red raw though and it was painful to look at, it contrasted against his pale skin which made it show up that much more.

"Eli, we need you to change into a human" Never thought I'd say that, "and to change into these clothes." He continued to stare at me.

"Oh, Oh. I see. Harvey, turn around." I commanded while blushing furiously. This time we heard two hits against the metal. I can't believe he actually changed into a human. From having a fish tail to legs.

"Excuse me." It was the first time I had heard him speak before. His voice had a lilting melody to it like he was singing but not. Beautiful, serene and somewhat magical. Then I remembered that he had actually spoken to me.

"Oh, er, yeah. What is it?" I replied, without looking behind me, he might not have changed yet.

"I'm new to clothes. I'm not sure what to do with them." Harvey and I shared a look.

"You do it Harvey."

"You're his favourite. You do it." In the end Harvey had turned me around and pushed me towards him. I picked up the underwear , that we remembered to bring just this morning.

"Could you stand please, Eli?" I said looking only at his face, beautiful face that it was.

"I don't think I can. I am unfamiliar with these legs." Of course he would be, I thought to myself. I averted my eyes a lifted him up by his arms, without the tail he's a lot lighter.

"Hold on to the metal bar please, Eli." He did as I told, but I could see the pain in his face. Standing had to be difficult when you weren't used to it. I needed to do something to take his mind off of it and my mind since I was helping a fifteen year old boy put on his underwear.

"So... " Because this isn't awkward at all. "Have you ever changed into this form before?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"No, this is my first time being on land. I have spent my whole life in the sea but I have always had this ability, it's painful though. This will be worth it, the situation's awful." He had a very far away look in his eyes, it looked like he was remembering something horrible that happened not to long ago.

"I'm sorry, Eli." He still looked immensely sad and lost in thought. "Underwear is on though, which is a good thing. Now we just need to put the jeans on and shirts which won't involve too much more embarrassment." I was about to ask him to raise his arms when I realised he was using all of his arm's strength just to stay standing, he was putting no pressure on his legs whatsoever. I could see the muscles in his shoulders straining.

"Just sit down for a second, Eli. We can put the shirt on while your sitting down and I can get Harvey to help me put the jeans on once you've caught your breath." He looked so relieved it was almost tangible. Resting his body weight on me I managed to get him to sit him down. After that Harvey and I got him dressed with no problem. We had just gotten Eli to stand again when we heard the doors to the tank room ,which once held Eli, open. Sharing a look of panic Harvey and I grabbed Eli under his arms and literally started dragging him to the exit. The journey to the door was hot, hard, heavy and long. Despite his small frame, Eli actually weighed quite a bit. The ladder was a huge issue, in the end me and Harvey agreed to me holding his hands at the top and her slowly pulling him down. I was practically holding his entire weight, which let me tell you was not light. Eli was breathing heavily, his face was flushed with red. He looked ready to collapse.

"Don't worry, Eli. We only have to make it through that door and we'll be home free." Harvey whispered in a gentle tone, which surprised me; she had never been the most comforting. He managed a small nod for us which was a relief. The door was so close we could just about touch it. The door handle started to turn. Again, we looked at each other in panic. I knew it was all going too well to be true. If we get caught who knows what will happen to Eli. If they know he can change his form than they would definitely want to perform experiments. Harvey and I shared a look, we knew exactly what to do. Great minds think alike, or so it goes.

Quite a long chapter, I hope you found it interesting enough to finish. Any ideas on plots or anyhing that didnt't make sense, please tell me, it's gladly appreciated. Thanks xxxx

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