Chapter 11

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Malik awakened in his hotel bed and silently cursed Reggie's ass when he thought about why Alya wasn't by his side. He had to finish this business today. So he could focus on finding Alya and letting her know she was safe.

He groaned as he eased out of bed upon hearing police sirens rushing by. Probably just another murder or robbery in his fucked up neighborhood. Don't get him wrong. He loved his hometown. But Jersey wasn't for no weak pussies. Only the strong survive and only the resourceful prosper.

He text Alya before walking into his bathroom. He had to go see Max fake wanna be slick ass. He needed to talk to the two strippers again. So after a quick shower he threw on his clothes and a snapback and headed for the elevator.
Malik pulled up to Max's club to see police and coroners crowding the lot. He parked on the curb and walked in to see Max staring at two pictures. He walked over to see they were the girls he wanted to talk to.

"I need to talk to those two," he said, gaining Max's attention.

He shrugged as he said, "You too late. Unless you can talk to dead people. That's who the police and shit here for. I found 'em this mornin' with they throats ripped out. Who the fuck does some shit like that?!"

Malik looked around before asking, "Do you think Reg would do some shit like this?"

Max shrugged.

"The girls gave your girl to him when she was like nineteen," he said absently. "He used to come in and sit for hours watching for her. She worked late one night. I saw the girls arguing with her in the parking lot. Reggie and Rob pulled up and Reggie slapped the girls some bills. Rob grabbed Lisa up and threw her in the back of they van. That was the last time I saw her. I swear man."

Malik nodded and headed for the door. He bypassed the cops and went to his car. He pulled off toward Reggie's camp. So he was going to Reggie for info and the whole time Reggie was possibly his target all along.

Meanwhile, Alya walked in the front door of Reggie's brothel with her weapons drawn. She shot in the air, causing girls and men to run screaming.

"GET OUT OR DIE," she hollered as rage filled her eyes.

She unleashed Ruckus and the duo made their way down the hall of sex rooms. She made quick work of one of Reggie's goons and thanks to Ruckus a second was taken down. With Rob already dead all she had to worry about was Reggie.
Malik pulled up to Reggie's camp as people ran from the building. He shook his head. Must be some shit going down in there. But it wasn't gone stop his mission. He stepped out of his car and walked into the building. He heard shouting before a shot rang out.

He pulled his weapon and eased forward toward his destination. He eased toward Reggie's office and listened as Reggie begged for his life.

"Please," he plead. "I promise I'll act like this never happened. You don't have to worry about me anymore. It'll be whatever you want it to be!"

Malik eased the door open and a shot blasted through the wooden door.

"Whoever out there better get the fuck back!"

Malik thought his ears were tripping. But his thoughts were confirmed when Ruckus came running around the door growling. He instantly stopped upon seeing Malik. He licked Malik's hand, earning a head scratch.

"Alya," Malik called.

Alya looked up in shock as she called back, "Malik?! What are you doing here?!"

He stepped around the door to see her with a gun to Reggie's head.

He looked to her as he asked, "What you mean what I'm doing here? What you doing here pregnant? And why the fuck you shooting at me?!"

Reggie tried to stand but Alya hit him in his head with the clip of her gun.

"Help me Dom," Reggie begged. "Get this crazy bitch off me! She killing people for no fucking reason!"

Malik thought back to Rob. The person did look rather small to be a guy. And looking at Alya now he knew it was her.

"Ask her why she doing this," Reggie blurted. "She fucking crazy! She killed her own damn daddy! That's how crazy she is!"

Malik looked to Alya as he said, "I know everything now, Baby. But look at me. I'm here ready to kill this nigga for you. Nothing has changed. I understand you killing Rob. But you ain't have to do them girls like that. And you didn't have to kill those men out there. I don't know what your dad did but I don't think you meant to do that."

She had tears on her face as she began to explain everything.

"I was four when my dad started touching on me," she started. "My mom...she didn't care. As long as she got her liquor she was good. When I was ten this piece of shit here started coming over. Him and my fucking dad taking turns with me. Some nights I escaped and ran to Dedria's house. Her dad was just as bad as mine. Although he didn't invite his friends to join. We'd run off and sleep in abandoned buildings until daybreak. One day I was walking by Max club and one of the strippers said I had a nice shape and that I could make some good cash."

She kept her gun trained on Reggie as she said, "So I went in. The first few nights were crazy. And provided quick. I got an apartment and moved Dedria in with me. One night about six months into the job I walked out and there was this nigga. I bout threw up onstage. That same night I was heading to my car and was attacked. It was Rob. A few months later I had Honor. Dedria stayed home with my son and I worked to pay the bills."

Malik watched her eyes darken as she said, "My dad eventually found out where I was staying. I got home to find Dedria unconscious and my son was gone. When Dedria came to she explained what happened. I went back to my dad's place and found him in bed touching my son. I ran and got his gun and shot him. But I was too late. Honor was already gone. He was touching on my baby's dead body."

Malik felt his heart break as she bowed her head and said, "Trixie and Jewels did deserve to die. They knew about my history with this nigga and they offered me up to him. For a fee. I didn't know about their deal until it went down. They were arguing with me in the parking lot. Trixie ran up on me every time I tried to go to my car. We started fighting and a van pulled up. Rob hopped out and snatched me up off of her as Reggie handed them their money. Jewels shouted 'be good hoe' to me. So it's their fault I was even in this bitch. And this nigga gone pay with his life for helping ruin mine."

Reggie looked to Malik and shouted, "You see?! This bitch crazy! She a pyscho murderer!"

Malik shrugged as he said, "So am I. Alya, Baby I used to go by Murder. When I was a teen I was basically a hitman and dealer for Jersey's notorious kingpin. I killed a lot of people. Some were probably from your family that went missing back when you were stripping. I can't honestly say. But one day I decided I  should be kingpin. I killed him. Became King Dom and stacked mad paper. My house? I didn't buy with money from my practice. I bought it with drug money. Put myself through college and became a lawyer and started my own practice. Again, with drug money. Now you know everything I've done. And I know everything you've done. But look where I'm at. Here ready to kill this nigga for you."

Alya looked up at him shocked.

"You still wanna be with me," she asked in disbelief.

He smiled and nodded. She walked around to him as he aimed at Reggie. She kissed his lips as he squeezed the trigger. Ending Reggie's life. She smiled to him and he took her hand. They slowly made their way back through the building and out the front door.

Malik looked to her and touched her stomach as he said, "Now we can continue our life together and leave all this in Jersey. And you don't bring your ass back here."

She laughed and nodded as she headed to her car across the lot from his. Ruckus hopped across her lap into the passenger seat. She waved to Malik and together they headed back toward home. Severing all ties to New Jersey.

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