Chapter 15

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Malik walked into his house to see Janice sitting on his couch. He greeted her with a head nod before setting down his briefcase and throwing his keys in the bowl next to the door.

"What's up," he called. "Alya putting MJ down?"

She shook her head as he sat next to her on the couch.

"She took him to the mall I think," she corrected. "Your grandma told me to wait here for Hayden while she went to Bingo."

He nodded and she looked to the TV.

"Ransom went with them," she commented absently.

Malik clenched his jaw and stared at the TV. He was getting sick of Ransom. He'd only met the guy a few months ago. But now he seemed to always be around or be calling Alya for questions about her old house. It was getting annoying quickly.

Meanwhile, Alya laughed as Ransom held MJ's hands, standing him on the table they sat at. They'd been looking around the mall for almost three hours, but hadn't found anything for MJ. So here they sat. Eating and talking. She checked her watch and stood abruptly.

"Hay-Day will be getting out of school soon," she blurted as she snatched up her purse.

Ransom grabbed MJ's diaper bag and tossed their food as he headed toward the doors with her. He strapped MJ into his seat and climbed in the passenger seat as Alya started the engine. She dropped him off at his home, her old house, before hurrying to the home she shared with Malik.

She got MJ out the backseat and walked up to the house. She pushed the door open and walked in to the living room after shutting the door. She placed MJ in his playpen and sat her purse on the couch. She headed toward the kitchen but stopped at the stairs upon hearing a muffled sound.

She looked around and her rage kicked in upon seeing Janice's purse on the kitchen table. She dashed up the stairs on her toes, so as not to click her heels. She hurried down the hall toward the double doors and they were cracked. Through the slit she saw two bodies in her bed. She rushed back down to her old room and into the closet. Snatching her lockbox from the top shelf she quickly punched in her code and lifted her weapon from the metal box.

She checked that it was loaded before cocking back the hammer and heading back down the hall. She threw open the bedroom doors and Janice flew off of Malik. They both sat frozen in bed.

"I told y'all I would fuck y'all up."

Janice screamed as Alya raised her weapon. Malik's eyes widened in shock.

"Baby," he called to Alya. "Its not what it looks like."

Alya turned the gun on him. She laughed a hollow and humorless laugh before flicking her arm back to Janice and firing.

Janice fell off the bed as she screamed. Malik scrambled to get free of the covers as he headed for Alya. She turned to him and pulled the trigger. Malik fell backwards and she quickly turned on her heels and rushed back down the hall hearing the groans of the man she loved behind her.

She trotted downstairs and grabbed MJ and his diaper bag. She snatched up her purse and keys, heading out the door followed by Ruckus. Hayden was getting off her bus at the bottom of the driveway. She rushed to Alya.

Alya put on a smile as she said, "Ride with me & MJ, Hay-Day."

Hayden grinned and hopped in the front seat as Alya strapped MJ in and Ruckus lay across the seat next to him.

Back in the house, Malik groaned as he gripped his chest. He couldn't believe Alya had actually shot him! He rolled over and stumbled to his feet. He made his way downstairs and threw open his front door. Alya was gone.

He went back upstairs to see Janice passed out. She was losing a lot of blood. Hell so was he. He dialed the cops but as he tried to speak nothing came out. Suddenly his world began to spin and he fell to the floor once again. As he looked around the spinning room he couldn't help but think he'd lost the love of his life. And he prayed God take him now. Because he couldn't live without her.

His world went black and he could hear distant voices around him. He struggled to try and find Alya's.

But instead he heard a man say, "Forget it! She's gone! We're losing him! GET THAT GURNEY IN HERE NOW!!!"

Malik felt himself being lifted and his vision slowly returned to see a white man staring back at him.

"He's awake," the man announced as they rushed out of his house.

Malik saw the ambulance as the man said, "Mr. Taylor what happened to you?! Who did this to you?! Mr. Taylor! Mr. Taylor stay with me! Who did this to you?!"

Malik could hardly breathe. But he had enough since about him not to say anything against Alya. Especially since it was all his fault. He remained quiet but struggled to keep conscious. Which he failed to do. Blacking out again.

At that moment, Ransom opened his door to an incessant knocking. Standing there was Alya with Hayden and MJ. He stepped to the side and they walked in followed by Ruckus.

"Take MJ to the backyard to play," Alya almost whispered, handing the chubby baby boy to Hayden.

Hayden and Ruckus walked outback. Ransom looked to Alya and tears began to spill from her eyes. She collapsed in the floor and he knelt beside her.

"He cheated on me," she sobbed.

Ransom held her to him as she shook with each sob that tore from her. He rubbed her back and she cried into his chest. She looked up at him and she pulled him to her. She pressed her petal-soft lips to his and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He stood with her and eased her arms from around his neck, pulling away from her as he said, "We can't Alya."

Tears streamed down her face as she stared up at him.

"I really really want to," he confessed. "But you're just hurt. I know you love Malik. I'm not going to take advantage of this situation. I can't do that to you."

Alya wiped her tears with her hand and a tiny smile played on her lips.

"You are such a good guy," she whispered.

He smiled and kissed her forehead, pulling her into his embrace as he whispered, "I wish I wasn't right now. Trust me."

She wrapped her arms around his bare torso and his back flexed with ridged muscle. She looked up at him and those beautiful soul orbs he called eyes cast down on her.

"Can you hold me," she whispered so soft he barely heard her.

He scooped her into his arms and headed for the bedroom. He held her to him as she breathed in his scent. He kissed the top of her head and stared out the window into the backyard where Hayden ran around in circles around MJ. He looked down to Alya as her breathing became slow and even. She'd fallen asleep. He eased away from her and threw a light blanket over her before retreating from the room.

"I guess she's staying the night," he commented to himself before going to order food for Hayden and checking his fridge to see if he still had some of the breast milk bottles Alya had left after pumping in his guest room yesterday.

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