Chapter 17

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Malik opened his door to see Alya holding MJ. He gave a small smile as she handed over his diaper bag with milk she'd pumped for his stay. He watched as she kissed MJ's chubby cheeks and hugged him. He wished she'd just come home. He'd thrown out their bed and replaced it. He just wanted his wife home. He was lucky to still be able to call her his wife. No matter how much she claimed to hate him she hadn't filed for divorce. So he found some hope in that alone.

"You be good Tank," she cooed to the giggling baby. He reached for her face and she kissed him again before handing him to Malik.

"Can you come cook?"

Alya looked past him to see Hayden standing with her head bowed slightly. She stepped past him and embraced Hayden who immediately clung to her and started crying.

"I just wanna eat together tonight since my birthday tomorrow," she sobbed.

Alya pulled away from her and kissed her forehead as she said, "If I cook and put you to bed tonight I don't want anymore crying from you. Okay?"

Hayden nodded and wiped her eyes as she took Alya's hand and led her to the kitchen. Gram smiled upon seeing her actually in the house. She embraced her tightly.

"I have missed you," Gram exclaimed.

Alya laughed and went to the fridge as she said, "My girl wants some of my cooking. Don't tell me you been slacking."

Gram laughed and helped her find ingredients she needed. Malik stood watching them as MJ played with his necklace. Alya laughed and turned from the fridge. She locked eyes with Malik as her laugh stopped short. She quickly looked away as Hayden ran in.

"I'm helping," she cheered before climbing onto the counter where Alya handed her a bag of potatoes and a peeler.

Gram walked over to Malik and motioned for him to follow her. They walked into the living room and she crossed her arms as she turned to face him.

"I don't know what you have to do," she whispered. "But you need to fix things with that girl. Hayden mopes around here like she's lost her puppy. But look at her. Look at your daughter. She's happy and she's smiling. You're not the only one this effects Malik."

She turned on her heels and walked back to the kitchen putting on a smile.

"So where am I needed," she asked with a slight laugh.

Malik sat in the living room playing with MJ as they got everything cooking and set the table. A little while later Gram sat at the table with her plate as she announced dinner was ready. Malik walked over and placed MJ in his highchair. He went to fix his plate. But Alya turned from the stove and handed him a full plate.

"Thank you," he said with a small smile.

She nodded and followed him to the table with her own plate. She sat across from him and Hayden grinned.

"Thank you Mommy," she said as she stuffed a bite of potato salad in her mouth.

"You're welcome Sweetie," Alya replied with a smile.

Gram glared at Malik and cut her eyes at Alya.

"Thanks Alya," he said after first praying over his food, just incase she was tryna poison his ass.

She glanced at him before replying, "You're welcome Malik."

Hayden looked to Gram. Gram cleared her throat and said, "Alya, I had a question to ask you. But I didn't want to with the kids around. But since you leaving right after dinner I figure I should ask."

Alya looked up from her food and sipped her wine before replying, "I was gone put Hayden to bed. So I'd be staying for a bit after dinner. But go head."

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