Adventure For A Pencil

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Mitch opens his back pack, searching for a pencil that he loses about seven times a day. He looks in his pencil bag, none of them had lead. He finds a pen, but he couldn't work out an equation with ink.

He find another one, put it needed to be sharpened and he didn't a own a sharpener. He sighs, opening one last pocket to his back pack.

What he found was way better than any type of pencil. He smiles, hiding his blush even though nobody was with him.

He found a pair of round, purple sunglasses. The ones he and Scott had been passing around since the day at the beach. He pulls them out, setting them on his desk next to the framed picture of him and everyone else at the beach, happy that he had squeezed his way next to Scott it.

He couldn't help but wonder how Scott had managed to get them in his back pack. He had it with him all day, never left his sight.

He smiles again at the cute gesture, now aware of this on-going thing between them. It was like hot potato, but with a pair of adorable sunglasses.

He pushes the thoughts away, attempts to at least, but continues his adventures for a pencil, eventually finding one and finishing his math assignment.

He puts it back in his back pack, making sure he knew where his pencil was this time. He opens the pocket where he found the glasses, sliding the small pencil back into it. He finds something he didn't see before, a folded piece of paper. He opens it up, reading the little letter on it.

If you found this note, that means you have the glasses. And by God, Mitch, KEEP THEM.
You look hot as hell in them;).

Mitch blushes again, happy that Scott had called him hot. He folds it back up, putting it in a drawer and closing it, hoping no one would find it.

Mitch liked Scott. Not in a romantic type of way, it in a "maybe-a-bit-more-than-a-friend" type of way. He wasn't quite sure what "way" this was, but it was how we felt about Scott.

Come to think of it, Mitch didn't even know if Scott was gay. He kind of assumed by the way he acted, telling Mitch he was hot and everything. He never talked about girls.

Mitch certainly hoped he was gay, it gave Mitch a better chance at a boyfriend, something he needed right now. Not necessarily Scott, but someone who would go out of their way for him.

He was having some issues with an ex-boyfriend, Travis. He wasn't the best boyfriend, which is why Mitch worked up the courage to. break up with him.

He was an asshole, he took charge and made Mitch do everything he said. He had convinced Mitch that he loved him, then left to another state without telling. It made him feel weak and useless, more than he already did.

When he got back a year later, he assumed him and Mitch were still dating, even after not contacting over the whole period of time. He acted exactly the same, maybe even worse.

Mitch told Kirstie, and Kirstie helped him a lot. She had told him that everything he felt for Travis was a lie, that Travis forced him like that.

So Mitch broke up with him and it had been awhile since they had talked until Mitch ran into him again.

And the process almost repeated itself. Mitch was almost convinced he loved Travis. He almost took him back. He almost did everything he had done wrong last time again. He almost did. But he didn't, he stopped Travis dead in his tracks, as much as he could with his limited speech.

Which is why he called Scott to pick him up. One, Scott was a face that he liked. He was gorgeous, so when Travis did that to him, looking at Scott made him feel better, knowing how close he was with someone so intriguing.
Two, Kirstie would've killed him if she found out. This is why he planned on not telling her, she absolutely hated Travis for what he had done to Mitch. Three, Scott wasn't pushy. If Mitch didn't want to explain, Scott wouldn't make him. He would listen if he wanted to explain, but not press him for an answer.

Mitch almost killed himself because of Travis, but luckily, Kirstie talked him out of it and made him into the happy boy he was today.

Mitch couldn't be more thankful for Kirstie, she was the best thing that could've ever happened to him. Every year on Thanksgiving, when they said their thanks, Mitch always included Kirstie. On Christmas, he prayed Kirstie got whatever she wanted or needed.

He wanted to do things for Kirstie that she had done for him, but he couldn't. There wasn't an opportunity too.

This was a good thing, Mitch was happy that she had nothing bad in her life for him to help her with. She didn't deserve anything bad, only
the best.

So when bad things did happen, Mitch tried to be there for her as much as his frail, unspeakable body could. It was hard to make someone feel better with notes, he had personal experience.

Hearing someone say it, hearing their emotions and passion about what they are speaking about was so much better than reading it on a piece of copy paper. They both knew it.

Mitch's eyes wander to the sunglasses again. He smiles, picking them up and placing them over his eyes. He looks in his mirror across the room, doing a few different poses until he could see what made him look best(everyone does this, don't lie).

He laughs at himself, doing his selfie face into the mirror for no apparent reason. He sets the glasses back on the table, yawning when he realizes that he was tired. He plugs his IPad into its charger, anxiously waiting until he could get a new iPhone. Kirstie explained to his parents what happened and they completely understood.

He was embarrassed. I mean, what person purposely destroys their phone by pegging it against the wall.

One having a panic attack.

Mitch brushes those thoughts away, wanting to go to bed in a happy note. So he thinks of things that make him happy. His mom, dad, Kirstie. Scott and Avi and Kevin and Esther.

The round, purple sunglasses sitting on his desk and watching him close his eyes and flutter to sleep.

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