Chapter 4

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I had the little bitch escape my grasp. She had sent the other one to me and I growled. This wasn't the time to take her back. I watched the girl mate with her husband that would cause future conflict for them earlier. Oh was this such sweet sorrow. I giggled evilly when she came back to my grasp. I tortured her with flames. She knew what she had just did to herself and that will destroy her in the end. "See now you will destroy all three of us. Me you and the thing you love. Feel great huh bitch?" She placed her hand over her stomach. I knew she was devastated. "Tonight I let you go. That is to let you release me or destroy yourself. Historia will take you away and release me. Girl you will know true pain." I saw her eyes light up in fury. "Fine. If I die then you die with me just as the prophecy says." My body stiffened. She could end me soon, and won't hesitate to do it. I had to keep the bitch alive until I could get our souls separated.

I awoke in my room. I smiled to myself. I heard the waves crashing. I had been out for two days. I felt pain rip through my stomach. I needed blood. I gripped my throat. I ran to the fridge in the room and downed the blood. I panted and shook my head. I must've forgot to feed a few days ago. I stripped down and slid into the shower. I felt the warm water just wash the pain and sweat that clung to my skin. I hummed an old song my nursemaid used to sing me all those years ago. When I stepped out I saw Jayson standing at the bedside. I walked over to him with the towel wrapped around my body.

"Hey. I'm going surfing tonight with my cousins and Kal. Want to join us? Oh and Sophia can come too. There aren't many children that want to be with her. Poor girl. What happened to her mother?"

Jayson looked at me. "Tori killed her mom. She was infected."

I looked at my hands. "O-oh." I saw the blood they had on them. Tori put the blood there. I looked at Jayson. He looked back then left so I could change into my bikini. I smiled. "You will have her soon Jayson. Tonight."

I took off my necklace. It was so useless. I slipped on athletic shorts and put my hair in a pony. I ran into the storage room and grabbed my board. I ran out of the house. Jayson met me with a black suit on and a red t-shirt. He had a wood board. I giggled and ran to the ocean. I heard the waves crashing. Jayson kept up and Kal ran beside me.

I saw Liv-chan and the gang there. I saw an asian boy that held Liv-chan close. This had to be her mate. Faith-chan had hers. I yelled as a big wave crashed. I threw off my shorts and ran out to the ocean with my board. They all joined me. Jayson came up next to me.
"Sophia is playing on the beach." I saw the little girl on the beach. I smiled and I saw a flash of the past. I knew who she was. "Sophie's been strong hasn't she Jay?" Jayson grabbed my arm. I got startled and fell off the board. "Jay-" "You remembered her nickname. Your remembering!" I gave him a blank stare. He smiled. I saw a wave come. "Jay let's catch this wave!" I shouted excitedly. I paddled and met the wave at the perfect point. The wave picked me up and I dropped in.

I smiled as water sprayed my face. This was what an 1800 needed when she doesn't remember much. My heart spared. I wanted to bring my wings out, but knew it was too soon. I surfed and laughed as I watched everyone. Sophia even learned how to surf with my help of course. I smiled and felt one tear run down my cheek. This was it. This was going to be the last time I see Kal or Jayson or anyone. Jayson paddled over to me and smiled. I smiled back.

The sun was setting. I knew I won't get to fly again. I had to do it one last time. Kal watched me. My heart pounded as I called upon my wings. They were flames. I shouted out in horror and made my wings disappear.  Kalabar was over in a heartbeat. I smiled. "I'm ok Kal. We should make a fire and stay out for the night." Kal nodded, "ok babe. Whatever your wishes are considerate done." I swam to shore. Jayson had clenched fists. I sighed knowing those two won't ever going to get along.

I put on a sea sky blue skirt with turquoise hawaiian flower print. I tied it at the top and slipped on sandals. The wood wasn't lit yet. I felt something inside me. I let it out to see my hand on fire, but the flames would not hurt me. Liv-chan and her boyfriend gasped. Miki-chan ducked in cover. Drew pulled Faith-chan under him. I smiled, "relax I can control it. See." I lit the wood on fire and diminished it. It felt so good. I sat on a log between Jayson and Kal. "So who has learned their gifts?" I asked everyone innocently. Faith-chan was the first to open up. "Weather. Lighting is my favorite."  I giggled. "Me simple baby. I got the ice. Ice ice baby." Kal said and we laughed at him. For he was such a fool. I turned to Jayson and poked his arm. "What?  I control water. Nothing special." I rolled my eyes and punched him playfully in the shoulder. "I am the shadows." Liv-chan giggled evilly, "you won't see me then I will strike and kill you swiftly." I smiled and laughed. I missed our murder raids on humans. Miki-chan scoffed, "you two and your violent natures. We both know it's more fun when I'm around." I was amazed, "how did you kno-" Miki-chan interrupted me, "I can read minds. That's why I'm harder to beat in battle. I predict your moves." I protested in how unfair it was. She shrugged. I looked at Liv-chan's boyfriend who was silent. He seemed to enjoy watching and not talking.

Tatsuya had a dragon tattoo on his arm. I had a feeling it had to do with his gift. He sat stiffly. I smiled gently and Liv-chan poked him in the ribs. He smiled down looking at her. I saw him whisper something to her. She protested, "hey I'm not that short! You damn dragon brain!" I heard him laugh at her as Liv-chan went into a rampage. I looked at Sophia who had fell asleep. "I have the dragon abilities." Tatsuya spoke cautiously. I shouted out in joy. "He does speak! Kal you owe me 20 bucks!" Liv-chan glared at me and came after me. She chased me as I laughed.  We played and made up stories. I told them I was going to catch one last wave. Everyone except Jayson nodded and went back to their happy conversation. I wiped a tear away. My time was done.

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