Chapter 8

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My heart raced as I left Jay and Sophia. Jay knew something was up, and I couldn't tell him my secrets. I slammed my fist onto the counter. Damn you Tori. You're such a dumbass. Why can't you be like Xander or any of your older brothers. I felt a red tear run down my cheek and I wiped it away quickly. Jayson can smell my tears so I can't cry. Damn my emotions are being a bitch. I had to get more time. Grace told me I have a few days but with the wedding I need more time. I would make sure I'd have more time.
I walked out and Jay was right by the door. "Hey Tori you ok? You were in there for a long time." His voice was full of concern. I had to shake him off my trail. I could feel the anxiety pushing through, "yeah Jay I'm just fine. Just wasn't feeling good. Don't worry Kay babe?" I kissed his cheek and walked by him slowly. He was distracted so I used this moment to sneak out and talk to Grace.

She had to give me more time otherwise I'm finished, and then the world will collapse my dream real and all of humanity destroyed. I had to get my shit together. I clung to Seki as I walked to the cave where the bitch witch stood waiting. I growled a little as she led me into my childhood escape. My fangs were bared. I really wanted to sink my teeth in.

I followed her as she slowly walked down deep into the cave. Grace spoke slowly, "I want to know why you asked me to come." I stopped, "Grace I need more time." She started to protest against what I said. I waited calmly until she finished. "Grace, Jay proposed and if I have a wedding it will make people suspect nothing is going on. Just let me have the wedding please." Her eyes made it look like she was thinking. She knew if she did this then it would be easier for her to take me away.

"Alright I will. But remember Tori anyone you bring will be killed on spot. Do not be followed." I clenched my jaw and nodded. I knew I'd have to escape Jay. My body trembled as a tear fell.

I wasn't going to live much longer.

I screamed as Grace slid into the shadows. I punched the wall making it crumble. I walked over to the wall. I saw my reflection. It slowly changed into the Phoenix. I watched her smirk , "Well well well little queen. You sure do know how to throw a hissy fit. Too bad little knight wasn't here." She laughed evilly making my own blood chill.
I can't show fear. Not now. I raised my eyes. I felt their glow as flamed licked at my hands, "Listen Phoenix I swear I will kill you. You won't kill anyone else. I will make you turn to ash."

She laughed, "poor little pet. You still don't know what can happen. You've seen the power you shall hold if you just join me." My teeth clenched tightly. "Besides I am the goddess of flames and pain, you little queen can't do anything."
I felt my body tremble. I knew she was right. If I were to stop her it would cost me my life. I'd be leaving everyone I care about. Then again it would be better then murdering my fiancé. I looked hard into the mirror as she spoke on and on about how terrible I was. I was getting fed up. My hand grew stronger and brighter. "Shut up!" I screamed. In my rage I punched the wall making the glass stone shatter.

I heard a small gasps come from the cave entrance. I turned to see Jay dashing to my side. His hand grabbed mine as he pulled me into a hug smoothing down my hair. I heard his heart racing. One thing about vampires is mates can hear each others heart beat. It's to make us feel closer.

I looked up at him. He put his hand gently on my cheek and caressed my cheek with his thumb. The look in his eyes showed his concern for me. "Jay I-" I was going to explain, but two lips made contact with my mouth. He missed me hard as if to say you scared me and I thought I lost you. I buried my head into his chest. I had one more week to be married and create a new heir. I already knew it would be Sophia since I don't have a child. I kissed Jay like it would be the last time. He pulled me close. "Only a few days baby. A few days and then we will be married." He nosed my nose and smiled. I nodded. He took me back to the castle. I had my fingers intertwined with his.

I gathered my cousins and their cuties. No one knew about the engagement. I smiled as the gathered around. Faith sat in Drew's lap as he played with her fingers. I looked at him. He and I have a past and I knew what type of scum he was. If it wasn't for him and his damn chainsaw I may have had a brother here. Not Kyle but Ashllyn or as I know him Ash.

It was the three of us fighting a raid. Ash wanted to stick close and make a circle as he tried to kill the Nightmares. Drew wanted to spit up and create a barrier to shoot them down. My brother complied even though he knew it may not work, but we were desperate.
I walked over to Ash and looked up at him. He was one and a half foot taller. I looked at his scar over his eye. I could feel the static electricity starting to form in the air. "Ash you think this will work?" His eyes narrowed and shook his head. He was pissed, but Drew was the master trapper and he was reliable and smart. He also enjoyed slicing victims down with a chainsaw before he drank their blood. I personally thought he was a major jackass. Too smart for his britches. But we had to kill these Nightmares to survive. I looked at Ash as he pulled me to the side. "Hey T listen to me on this. If something goes wrong I want you to run. I don't care if I'm with you or not. You have to get your ass out of here. Without you then Kyle will rule and the world will turn to shit." My eyes widened, but I didn't talk back. His scarred eye had shown me what happens when you don't run from an unbeatable fight.

We circled around waiting for the pale creatures to show their ugly faces. I looked for Ash trying to see if he was close by. No dice. I could see Drew who waved nerd like at me. I had to wave back. My eyes focused to the area of the village we were in waiting for the bastards to show their faces. The moon was high but clouds covered them. I heard the howls as the herd of Nightmares came crashing through the undergrowth. I looked at Drew waiting for him to signal when to attack. A flare went up and I released my inner demon. I pulled out Seki and attacked.

I had black blood splattered on my jacket and in my hair. They just kept coming and coming. Drew had escaped but I was in the middle of it. Ash came roaring in and got me out. I heard him yelling to keep running. I did. We outran most of them then we killed the few that dared to follow us. Drew met up with us, "I didn't know there would be so many." I growled and pinned him against a tree by the neck. His eyes were wide, "Princess Victoria please have mercy." That was the moment when I realized that Victoria was truly gone.

I pardoned him on the condition that he sets up camp and takes the first shift. He did so he didn't have to deal with Seki's poison. Camp was set up fast and dawn was approaching, I retired into my tent where I had it placed in the trees. It's where I always sleep. Although on this night it would be anything, but peaceful.
I heard his scream. I heard the howls. I watched them bite into my brothers flesh. I was powerless. For some reason the little smart aleck was gone. Now I know why. I killed the raid coming towards us. Ash fought with me with his shoulder bleeding and oozing black venom. He stumbled and fell. I urged him to continue, but he put on his smile even though he knew he was done. My big brother the last one I really trusted was dying,

Ash took his large hand into mine. I sniffed gripping his hand. "Hey lil sis don't cry. Just get stronger. We'll see each other again." He smiled reassuringly. I felt his hand touch my face. Tears streamed down my face. He brushed them away. I took my sword and sliced his arm in hope he won't come back. I slowly dug out a fire pit and decorated it in wildflowers. I slowly put Ash's body in the table of flowers. I traced my hand over his. "A-Ash please tell daddy and all the others I love them. A-and please don't ever let me forget our fun memories. Especially the one where we would fry fish in the water." I let out a small sobbing laugh. I lit my hand on fire. The red and yellow flames danced it my hands. I let it fly to his bed of flowers where his body slowly burned. I cried waiting for a shoulder to cry on. No one came.

I stared at Drew as my terrible memory ended. Jay stepped forward. He knew I was frazzled, but smiled confidently at me. "Well everyone in a few days there will be a wedding." The group perked up. I saw Miki-chan rise as she held in a scream. My face went red as she shouted, "Tori you're getting married! I want to see the ring!" All the girls squealed and tackled me holding up my ring finger. They ohhed and ahhhed at the shiny ring. I looked at Jay who was being congratulated. Kal even bro hugged him. I was glad my two boys were getting along. Kiki smirked at the thought in my mind. I scowled and scolded her for looking in my mind. She just laughed and pranced away.

I looked at my ring and smiled to myself.  My heart was pounding and I knew there was only a few days left. I had to hurry.

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