Chapter 1

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I walked out of the room. She didn't remember me. She wanted Kalabar Blake. She asked for him. She didn't know who I was. I told Kal Victoria wanted him. He looked at me and nodded. I heard Tori yelled in alarm. She discovered he didn't have an arm. A problem that I created. I walked out onto the patio. Jeb stood beside me.

"She ain't 'er old self is she? She back to the way she were  before. Tch all I did for 'er wasted." I nodded confused why he was talking to me.

"Uh Jeb why are you talking to me about this? I know she lost her memory." I replied.

"Kid you love 'er don't ye?", I nodded, "then ye gotta get 'er to fall in love with ye again. Otherwise all hope is lost."

My eyes widen. He was right. I had to make her remember. Remember who I was. If I didn't then she would never remember who I was. I ran to her

"H-hello." Tori stammered. Kal looked at me trying to figure out what I was doing. I slammed my lips onto her's. She squeaked out in surprised and I deepened the kiss. She slightly kissed back and I thought I gave her the memory of us back. She looked at me hard in the eyes. I swear I saw Tori looking at me. I smiled and then a loud smack went across my face. Kal coughed out a laugh. I looked at her stunned. "You sicko! Don't you know I'm dating Kal?" I looked at Kal. He shook his head no. It was obvious that was the last thing she remembered.

It was Kal.

"Tori I need to tell you something. My name is Jayson Goods. I'm your mate." I smiled. Her face went into a darkened state. She threw the king of all tantrums. I ran out of the room barely escaping with my life. A vase full of flowers I set there flew at the wall where my head used to be.

"I'll see you later Angel." I said sadly. She screamed when I said this. Only a single bloody tear fell from my eyes. I needed to go out. I needed to be alone and thing. The ocean was the best place to do that.
I stared out into the ocean. I was thinking about dying, but I can't leave Tori. She needs me and I'll make her realize it. What am I going to tell her when she asks for Kyle. I groaned knowing I had failed. How am I going to get my girl back when she doesn't remember what the hell is going on? I laid on the gritty sand looking up into the sky. What will Sophia, Miki, Liv, Faith, and that Drew kid think? I sighed and listened to the waves slowly crash on the golden shore. I looked up to see the last person on this earth I wanted to see.

It was Grace.

She loomed over me. "Heard you and queeny over there split. Does that mean I now have a chance?" I grumbled, "Listen Grace we didn't split. We are mates. Nothing not even the world ending could take us away from each other." I heard her scowl. A light smirk played on my lips in amusement.

Grace was way too possessive. I don't understand why the seven year old me even liked her. "Grace what did you do to the girls that got closer to me then you back at the orphanage?" I asked smoothly.

Her eyes lit up thinking she had gotten the best of me. "Simple. I just killed them off. What use were they to me when I'm your one and only right?" I couldn't hold in a laugh any longer. I just let it all out. There was no way she killed fifteen girls. That would be insane right?.  The look she gave me told me otherwise. "You're not joking are you?" Grace shook her head no. I yelled in alarm. She nodded and pinned me down against the sand. I pushed her off.

This chick was 100% psycho.

I took off in blinding speed I knew she couldn't follow. I looked around to see where I was. I heard the birds cawing and the howler monkeys howling and grunting. It was all so beautiful and perfect. I looked to the nearest tree and saw a sign. Victoria's Hideout DO NOT ENTER. My hand traced over the line that scratched out Victoria's name. Whoever did this didn't want her to see what was left behind.

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