Chapter 18

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Haha it was finally done. This Queen of Darkness was lost. She was crushed. I could feel my power getting stronger. I could sense my coming. Oh Mother Lilith how good to me you have been. Eighteen hundred years of punishment and I'll be free. I'll become immortal again and I shall ruler of this world. My evil laugh echoed off the walls. Tori was too weak now and I shall destroy one last thing she holds. She lost her mate, but not her precious Sophia. I'll kill that child when I escape.


Darkness. Pain. Suffering. Nothing was left inside me. Just those three things. I was a shell. No emotion no light came in. Not even when I saw Jay walk past my cell. He called my name, but the screams from burning cities drowned him out. There were no flames.

Calvin walked in with my blood, "To insure you don't die we removed the ingredient so you can heal. Good luck living that long little queen."

My eyes dulled and skin gray, "Cal is there no torture today?"

"No little one there is no more." He was being compassionate. He hated when I was like this. I knew he was forced to do it, but I guess I reminded him of himself and he was the abuser the monster who he never wanted to become.

"Oh. That's too bad. I want to feel pain. Oh well maybe the voices will destroy me. Yes the voices will destroy me." I kept saying. He slowly backed out knowing I was going insane. There was nothing he could do. I sang creepily. She was coming. I was holding her in.

My mind drifted to my first kill. A young man. A family. Their screams echoed through my head. I listened and relived my feeling in their deaths. The pain. The tearing in the hearts. The abuse, everything I felt it.

I then saw her. The Phoenix stood before me. Her hair like mine. Her eyes full of flames. I saw the short flame dress that was red lace. I felt my body shudder in fear. She was so powerful. She was so beautiful. She was amazing with a deadly perk. "Hello queeny. I'm not really here sadly, but I will be. There is alway a problem you know. How could you be so cruel? Let me show you the pain you feel when you don't release me."

I felt the flames around my body. My skin peeling. The blood in my body was magma coursing through. I screamed feeling everything melting painfully slow. My bones were turning to liquid. My eyes seemed to melt out of my sockets. I felt my throat get clogged with unbreathable air. I choked on the smoke and my mouth was open, but no scream came. I fidgeted and thrashed through the pain. My muscles snapping and tenons tearing as the flames in my body slowly ate them from both sides. My head pounded as my brain became mush. My dead I beating heart was smoking. My lungs collapsing. I couldn't get away. I couldn't get out. I was dead.

There was only blackness.

I watched myself leave my body.

Grace walked in interrupting all the visions and the Phoenix was gone. I watched as her mallet she used to smash her victims dragged across the ground. Her hair was wild and eyes lost from insanity. My mother made her this way. Years of torture and training had brought her to insanity. It was all my fault because I had failed to erase those memories from when she was 11. I remembered well about this child and how I knocked her out and saved her. She knew Jay and that was all that mattered.

Grace let a blow go to my side making me cough up more blood. I gripped the hard rock in my hands. "N-not the stomach. Hit me anywhere but there." I gasped out.
She laughed, "Alright Queeny, but it will cause a splat." I nodded and held all my screams in after every blow to the shoulder, back, legs, chest really anywhere.

Historia came in. She placed her head gently on my head and forcefully pulled my head up. Her eyes started to swirl in a snake like trance. I was falling for it and there wasn't anything I can do. Her words were scrambled and I could make sense on what she was saying. My arms shook holding myself up. I felt all the pressure building in my chest. My heart was being squeezed to the popping point. My arms collapsed along with my body. I coughed and she left.

The day was long and I stared at the sacrificial dress laid on my bed. I heard Grace skip in. "Her majesty of the Nightmares wishes for you to get a bath and look stunning for tonight. I'm here to lead u to the bathroom." I watched her drag my limp body to a room. She locked the door and pulled of my ragged clothing. I was put into a tub and scrubbed free of blood, dirt, grime, and whatever else my body was hiding. I would've enjoyed the bath only I didn't feel it.

Grace wrapped me in a towel and walked me over to a vanity where different things of makeup stood. She carefully did my hair and face. I hated it. Looking at my hair that was in a beautiful bun with all the twists and twirls in my hair. The hair comb that was diamonded and glittery. My make up made me look like a supermodel. Except my eyes caught my attention.

Dull blue eyes without hope stared back at me. The light I always had and flame seemed to be diminished. I saw how the light always caught my eyes to show beauty made it look like my eyes aged with 100 years. I touched them in the mirror seeing how low I had fallen. How unhealthy and sick I looked. My collar bone stuck out dramatically. My cheekbones seemed to pierce my skin. I was ordered to drink so much blood to regain my natural looks. Still the eyes stayed showing my despair. I was a hollow shell. Nothing left.

The dress was a lace white with a red ribbon around the middle. My hand traced the ribbon that seemed to be only blood. I looked at the dress without sleeves and saw this was my funeral dress. Dread filled me even more. I just wanted to shoot myself in the head. I knew mother wouldn't like that. She would kill Jay and Kal.
Jay my mind spat. My mate that betrayed me. The one who killed my on the inside making me feel this way. My heart was broken and I know I can never love again. My newly painted nails dug into my skin causing blood to flow. A growl grew in the base of my throat. This was all because of him.

Flames flickered at my wrist and my body was catching fire. I punched the wall making a hole in the brick. Grace backed away to wait for me to cool down. I did and sat down. I waited for her to continue. She continued. I watched myself feeling the Phoenix being pulled to the surface slowly destroying me.

Historia walked in and smiled, "Oh Victoria you look darling, darling. Kyle come see your little sister."

Kyle nodded, "oh yeah mother. She looks very lovely. Tori what would you like your mate and his friend to wear?"

"It is my funeral. I say let him choose. He won't be anything, but a trader" I snarled and growled. He nodded and my mother smirked. She loved me in this pain. Seeing my body full of scars. I didn't care anymore.Jay walked past limping with blood on his chin. I growled at him. He looked down and a tear fell. He was going to the torture chambers. I didn't care. 

I smiled when I heard his anguished screams. It made me feel great when I knew Historia was the was the one giving the beatings. I soaked it all in. His screams.

Then the depression hit. No matter what I would still love him. He was mine and I was him. Hed broke me to save me. I felt a tear slip and my lip quiver.  I love him, and I promised Jay I would never ever stop. Just like Ash, he will always be mine.
Jayson Alexander Goods will forever be my guy. To love and to hold. In sickness and in health. When rich or poor. Through thick and thin we will always be there for each other. We are one family. I would do anything for him. I am dying tonight to save him. I love him. Jay I love you.

The most unexpected thing happen. He was in front of me. I kissed him. Taking him for what I know will be the last time. "Jay I-I'm sorry. I'll see you soon. Live on Jayson Alexander Goods. Live on." I whispered gently in his ears.

"T-Tori no!" I smiled and kissed his lips once more before he was dragged away. I smiled light not touching my dark blue eyes. My necklace was torn from my neck and Jay took it at the last second. He screamed my name as they dragged him into the chambers where his true pain filled cries came.

I was escorted to my death place where runes surrounded it and Jayson soon joined along with Kal to see my torture. I mouthed an I love you before the pain started.

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