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A young boy is placed up for adoption.No one knew his fate. He watched his mom leave him alone on the stairs of the red brick building. He is only two. The boy's name is Jayson Goods.

Jayson was raised like a normal orphaned child. He never left the orphanage. Jayson Made many connections with the other children. There were two that stood out from the rest. The girl was Grace Cold who was a year younger, and a boy named Calvin who was the same age as Jayson. The three of them were as thick as thieves. 

Grace had short brown curly hair with a few natural blonde highlights.She had on a pink dress with matching pink bows to hold her pigtails. Grace was shy, but to Jayson she was his whole world. Jayson couldn't get the young girl out of his mind. Grace also had a protective state over Jay. Sometimes girls that got too close to Jayson they almost seemed to disappear. Jayson asked her where they went, but the girl just shrugged and went on playing. Jayson being young brushed it aside, but when he was older life may become difficult.

Calvin Gold was stockier than most of the children. He towered over his peers, but he was a lion with the heart of a house cat. Cal, as many of his friends called him, dressed in jeans and sweatshirts with dump trucks on them. His hair was a fiery red. Calvin's eyes were a dark gray that always held a hint of fear in them. He had old scars on his arm from burns and beatings from his father. Jayson watched Calvin and knew all the stories. They were room mates after all. Calvin looked up to Jay as a brother and protector. Cal was bullied by a few of his orphan mates. Jay and Grace both stood up to those bullies and no one messed with Grace because they all knew she had possessive issues.

When they were eight disaster struck. The world they all knew would be gone. The first encounter with vampires would possibly kill him.

Late at night Jay woke up. The moon wasn't out and the stars didn't shine down. No wind or crickets could be heard. The lonely coyote refused to pierce the night. It was just a world of darkness. It was just an eerie silence outside the red brick house. 

Without warning a window shattered and the sound echoed off the eggshell walls. The screaming soon began. Blood sprayed the walls. Red seemed to seep out from the walls. The creatures howled and growled along the buildings. Death was a big stench that will forever be left behind.

Grace ran into the boy's room. Jayson jumped out of bed and slipped on jeans and a sweatshirt. Calvin did the same and threw his sweatpants and sweatshirt at Grace to keep her warm. A loud crash boomed behind them. A pearl white creature threw itself into the door. Calvin had closed the door and locked it just in time. The door locked and the creature screeched against the door. Jayson grabbed a chair and broke the window. He jumped out first. They were lucky that the room wasn't far from the ground. Cal and Jayson grabbed Grace and put her gently on the ground. Calvin was hesitant. The door burst open and the pale creature screamed in fury. The jaw gnashed together.  Cal made a desperate jump. The nightmarish creature's teeth clasped around his arm. Calvin screamed in pain and pulled away. The moonlight thing pulled away. It went to hunt an easier victim. Jayson pulled Cal up and the desperately ran into the woods. The screams from the orphanage slowly died behind them. They stopped and patched up Calvin's arm.

The children traveled for many days. Cal slowly started to turn. He wanted blood. Neither of the younger kids did anything. Later Calvin had died. They buried him in a shallow grave. Jayson pulled Grace on the journey. They traveled by night and slept by day. A week after they lost Calvin, Jayson lost Grace. She was pulled away from him by a group of them. Jay was powerless to save the girl he loved. Her screams for him soon died behind him. He had to push himself up and keep walking. He held his side where a creature has got him. The claw mark causes a lot of blood to flow out of him. He collapsed against a highway waiting to die. He saw a person grab him and take him into safety.

Jayson woke up ten years later in a hospital bed. His wound all healed and an 1,800 girl named Tori staring down at him. He called her Angel on their first meeting. He soon learned she was no angel. Tori was a demon. Jayson got the nickname Jay from her. Jay fell in love with Tori, but there was a problem. She was a vamp and he wasn't. Not to mention she was the only daughter of Dracula to exist.

Later he was turned into a vamp himself. He mated with the Queen of Vampires. Due to being queen Tori still held secrets and also ran his training sessions. They were NOT easy whatsoever. Tori could've broken every bone in his body. He truly feared the warrior. There were other problems. Another male tried to go for his queen. That was Kalabar Blake. Kalabar was constantly trying to woo the lovely queen. Her knight wouldn't let that stand.

Jay finally put the competitor to rest. By chopping off his arm that is. Jay had to battle as well. He had to watch the as the paled creatures called Nightmares, tear his new home apart. He hugged Tori after it all happened. "Angel I'm so sorry" She kissed him gently. "Jay I'm sorry I couldn't protect you like I should've." He hugged her and comforted her. They left to meet up with the split off group on the main road. When they did Tori was shot down and put into a coma.

Two months later the queen stunned the knight by asking the most heartbreaking question she could ask. This went against her promise. Her promise that she made to him. Jay walked out sadly. Three words echoed in his mind. Three words she spoke. "Who are you?" It wasn't the same girl who he fell in love with. Jay crashed. He had to get her back. This is where his story begins. The beginning of the possible end to this world. The world is said to go up in flames. Jayson Goods is the water. His queen flames. She will create a world of flames unless water can destroy her.

This is the end of the beginning.

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