Chapter 6

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The girl escaped. I screamed fire watching the precious queen hug her mate. She killed her old self to be back. I smiled knowing my time will come soon. Knowing I will rule this world and kill every living thing. This will be my world. My world to destroy. My world. And the little vampire queen will be my slave. She will suffer so much. I will see too it. I could feel the Caller grow closer. She will be dust and I will rule all. I laughed evilly as I watched the Queen try to hide her very special secret.


I smiled when when Jay put his arms around my waist. My thoughts have been confused and I was always anxious. Of what I didn't know. I knew that there was something that was off with him. He was getting suspicious. That was a risk for me. Jay could never know. I kissed his cheek and pulled away. "Where are you going Babe?" I smiled and turned around to take out my ponytail he watched me. "To take a shower." I watched him nod and turn around. I quickly stripped and grabbed a towel.

I walked into the master bathroom and got into the shower. It felt so good like all the bad nasty stuff was being washed away. I sighed and heard the door creak open. My muscles tightened. I grabbed the knife Daddy put under the shampoo and conditioner holder. The curtain pulled back and I raised my knife. "TORI DON'T! IT'S ME!" I looked at Jay who was standing there. I lowered the knife and placed it back in its hiding place. I stood there with my hands on my hips. I had lost all my dignity so I thought I may as well act confident.

"Do you always have knives or some sort of blade hidden next to you or am I just crazy?" I laughed, "yeah I always have a blade near me. Kinda a habit from Nightmare raids. Now what the hell do you want? I was enjoying a nice hot shower." Jay's eyes pealed  from mine and scanned my body. He had forgotten I was naked and now remembered. Damnit sometimes you want to smack a boy. Don't they know a shower is a girls private time to think. Maybe they don't but geez would it kill them to learn?

"Well?" Jay started then his words got all jumbled together. I sighed and shut the water off. At least he came when I was done.

I stepped out and slipped my towel around my body. I felt the urge to vomit but kept it down. He can't see me vomit it will give away my secret. Jay watched me and I knew he was scanning my body. I walked into the walk in closet and and chose a simple outfit. A black tank top with jean shorts. I slung Seki over my right shoulder. Jay watched me and his jaw dropped. "Damn I don't mean this to sound trashy or bad, but you look hot." I smiled and blushed slightly hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Thanks kid your not so bad yourself." He laughed and looked down to see he was only in his pajama pants with his hair all messy.

His face went best red. "U-uh I can explain." I snorted, "sure you can. You were staring at my ass and forgot to get dressed." Jay went to object, but he knew I was right and put his head down.

I walked out to be greeted by Grace. She walked past me grabbed me and threw me against the wall. "Listen bitch I know your damn little secret. Historia told me to tell you that if you want to keep your little family alive to meet her in a week. There she will take you away and run "tests" on you. The Phoenix will be released and life will end. Oh and if you go against any of this I'll tell my Jay your secret and he'll leave you by yourself. We both know he will. Bye Tori I'll see you in seven days." Grace shrunk back into the shadows.

I leaned against the wall for support. I could feel my face go pale. I swallowed and tried to keep my legs from shaking. Jay walked out and was talking about whatever. He looked at me, "Tori hey you ok?" I looked up, "huh? Oh yeah I'm just peachy. Um what were we going to do again?" Jay laughed, "know what Angel I really don't know. But we can go to the ocean and hang out there. Just us two?" I looked up and nodded. He smiled his old goofy smile. I missed that old smile.

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