Will You Marry Me?

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You and Niall were with each other for 3 pretty years. He made your life different in, of course, a good way. You were so thankful for him for making you feel so special and loved. He's such a perfect boyfriend that anyone could ask for. You were so lucky to have such an amazing person like him.

"Princess?" Niall cut your daydreaming with such beautiful words. You always loved when he called you cute pet names.

"Sorry Ni, what you were saying again baby?" You said, feeling bad to ignore such a boy like him.

"I was asking you if you'd like to have dinner out tonight because I wanna make this day so special to you. It's been the best 3 years of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without you, princess."

You got some tears in your eyes because of his sweet words to you. Niall was the kind of boy who would do anything for you only to see your prefect smile on your face. You can't believe you've been with each other for 3 years! 3 perfect years.

"Please princess, don't cry. I love you so much. Thanks for being here for me and not leaving me when I most needed you!" You took him into a tight hug and he gave you a long, sweet kiss which always brought those butterflies to you.

You got up and asked him what to wear on your special day and then he went to his closet and brought out a bag which contains a beautiful blue dress and a necklace with infinity sign and his name on it and amazing matching heels. You put your hands on your mouth from happiness. He's the best guy on this weird Earth!

"Thank you Nialler, you're the best." You gave him a kiss on his cheek and then he told you to get dressed, avoiding being late for your night.

You got dressed as he waited for you in the living room. You went to him, he was playing on his phone. You coughed to get his attention. He starred at you for a few moments and then he walked up to you. He put his hands around your waist and said:

"You look stunning princess! You're so beautiful in this dress and beautiful in anything else even your pajamas. I'll always protect you from those who just wanna fuck around and break girls heart only to have fun. I'll never let you regret our relationship." You both shared another kiss and left to begin your night.

"Baby, can you put these on for me?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"You won't kidnap me, right?" You both laughed at the thought, but you were sure enough that he'll not let anything happen to you.

After driving for about 30 minutes with a ton of questions from you, you both finally arrived. He helped you to get out of the car and walking. After couples of minutes, he pulled the blinds from your face and asked you to open your eyes. He brought you to the beach which was beautiful at the sunset, he prepared blankets and dinner for you and there was a guitar on the ground. You stood there in a shock, not knowing what to say as he wrapped his arms around you. You turned around to give him that sweet, full of love kiss.

"You like it, princess?" He asked you excited.

You answered quickly "Of course, Ni. It's amazing. It's the best day ever! Really IT'S THE BEST DAY EVER!" You said jumping up excited as he laughed at you.

He pulled you in a tight hug and whispered in your ears something, but you didn't hear.

"Let's go and make some memories."

You both went and ate and then he pulled you to lean down with him. Your head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you. You both stared at the beautiful sun set and the sea was so calm and amazing.

Niall brought his guitar close to him and he stood up letting your head on his lap.

"I wrote you a song a few days ago... Well, it's not me alone, the boys helped me a bit. I hope you'll like it."

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