Best friends? You sure?

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Being a photographer was your dream from your childhood and Niall's, your best friend.

You and him know each other from kindergarten because your mother's were best friends from high school.

Niall is like everything to you. You both don't hide anything from each other whatever what it is or how huge the problem is. Its like you both are one and no one can break you both apart.

But, being the crazy teenagers you guys were, some things weren't going good from the past 4 months. You begin to hide somethings from each other and even lie. So, you both hadn't talk to each other for more than 3 months. Of course you missed him and he missed you too.

Last week your teacher told you that you have to make her a project and bring it to her tomorrow. Of course you tried your best but nothing worked. Everything just seemed to destroy and never be any good.

"Mum, what should I do? Nothing is working out. I'm just gonna fail. Oh god. I never failed my teacher or even you." You cried to your mum.

"Oh honey. Why don't you just relax a bit and think of something unique?" Your mum said.

"How I'm supposed to relax mum? The teacher said that the deadline is tomorrow. Niall was the only one who used to help me and now he's not here." You said and raised your voice a bit.

"Sweety I got it." Your mum said and catching you of guard.

"What is it mum?" You said quickly.

"Go talk to Niall. I'm sure he'll understand what happened was just stupid mistakes and that you both won't even try to think of doing them again. Tell him that and I know that you guys will be back stronger than ever."

"But mum. He just doesn't care about me anymore." You said and looked down.

"How did you know honey? Everyday and I mean everyday he call me to just check on you and how you are doing. He even told me that he lo- oh shit. I'm not supposed to say that." Your mum said and mumbled the last part.

"He told you what?"

"Nothing. Anyways, go now and I'm sure when you'll be back you'll have your best friend with you and a couple of good pictures." She said and kissed your forehead.

"Hmm, okay mum. Wish me luck." You said and walked out heading to Niall's house.


You're were in front of his house waiting for someone to answer the door.

After about half of minute later, someone opened the door. But it wasn't any one, it was Niall.

He gasped loudly once he opened the door. You both looked at each other as if you didn't see each other for 3 years not months.

"H-hi Niall." You said with a warm, soft smile. He still looked shocked. He never expected you to be there in front of him.

"H-hey. Um, come in." He said and opened the door a bit wider for you.

As soon as you step in the house and looked at him, you both ran into each other arms and hug each other tight more than anytime you ever did.

"I'm so so sorry. I-I shouldn't have acted the way I d-did." He sobbed on your shoulder as you both kept crying and apologizing to each other.

"I missed you so so much." You said as soon as you both calmed down and sat on the couch.

"I missed you so much more. I can't even describe how happy I am right now. Its as if I was dead all that time and you came and wake me up again." He said and you both laughed. "What made you come here? I was preparing for something to come and apologize to you."

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