Blue Eyes

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(Hope you enjoy this one but please don't kill me at the end 🙊
Would mean so much if you read my note at the end ☺)


There is a boy who catches my bus with diamond eyes as blue as the ocean. He sits with his friends and laughs a lot at little things and when his friends are silent, he looks out the window. I sit two seats behind him, I think he's beautiful.

I close my notebook and place my pen beside it. This year we have so many new comers in our school but only one of them caught my eyes. Its the blue eyes, which I never caught his name. He's such a beauty. He's so handsome and cute. Quite a bit but I find this cute too. He's that rare type of boys.

Every morning he catches my bus. He lives only 2 blocks away from me. He's one year older though but I don't care. He probably has a girlfriend. How can someone like him be single at such a crazy age? I doubt he has and she must be as cute as he's too.

I just can't help it but stare at him from my seat. I sit two seats behind him. I watch his every move. The way he talk, the way his lips touch themselves when he talk. The way he laugh, the sound of his voice, the accent he talk with. The way he dye his hair blond because of the chick he had when he was a child. The way he bite down on his nails when he's nervous or deep thinking about something. The way he dance his fingers whenever a song starts to play. Just everything about him.

I think he's beautiful.


There is a boy who catches my bus who acts happy every morning from 7 am. He sits with his friends and gives them half smile and wears long sleeves in the middle of summer. I sit two seats behind him, I think he's beautiful.

I don't know what's going on with him. He acts happy. His laugh is not as loud as it was before. Whenever his friends say something funny he doesn'tg laugh but gives them half smile and look again out of the window.

Yesterday, he came with a black long sleeves tank top in the middle of summer? That was weird wasn't it?

He acts different from what I know. I hope everything will be okay with him soon. (Note the irony)

I think he's beautiful.


There is a boy who catches my bus with diamond eyes as empty as lake during winter. He sits with his friends and stares at his lap and when his friends say something funny, he doesn't laugh anymore. I sit two seats behind him, I think he's beautiful.

His eyes are not as lit up as they were before .. His eyes are dark as if there is no more electricity in it. They don't shine as before.

Happiness isn't found in them anymore nor peacefulness.

Something is wrong with that beautiful boy. I compare everything to each others but he's changing .. for the worst.

Maybe he's suffering from an illness? Bullying? Heart break? Loss of something/someone special to him? I don't know.

I hope everything will be okay with him soon. (Note the irony)

I think he's beautiful.


There was a boy who caught my bus who was found by his parents after he had shot himself. He wrote a letter to his friends saying that he loved them. He wrote a letter to his parents saying he was sorry. And he wrote to the girl who sat two seats behind him in the bus, and told her she was beautiful.

He's gone.

He left all the problems and knots in his life and left to somewhere better to be finally at peace. He told me I'm beautiful. But he didn't know that he was the more beautiful one..


(Thanks all for reading but I just wanna say that this short story is based on a true one. He was a handsome, good looking, cute boy who really caught my bus and he's now somewhere better. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that please, Love yourself. Everyone is beautiful in her/his own way. Your face isn't a paper so don't colour it and don't cover it. Your weight number doesn't show how beautiful you truly are.

Just keep yourself healthy and fill your lives with happiness and love.

Hope I did something good today ☺)

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