I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Part 2)

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After that time when me and Niall met, we've been talking non stop and meeting too. He took me to so many places here and tonight he's gonna take me to a nice club he knows here. I can say that's he's such a great guy. He's really sweet and a caring person that you get a good vibe as soon as they start speaking.

I still don't know how's Alan doing. I doubt he even feels sad. Of course he's out with his friends doing god knows what. I just realized that I never liked him even one bit. He's been nothing but such a dick. He was never serious about us I bet.

Niall is nothing compared to Alan. Niall is the completely opposite of Alan. I'd have fallen to Niall for his charm other than falling for that dick that called Alan. Thanks god we hadn't sex. I was thinking of losing it with him since I trusted him but he went and proved me that I was wrong about even choosing him.

I will admit it, I was never lucky with boys neither will I obviously. Alan just proved me that I shouldn't ever trust a boy in my life.

My phone ringing pull me out of my little world. I pick it up from my nightstand and hit the answering button.

"Hello" I say.

"Hey (Y/N). How you doing?" Niall says.

"I'm fine. Thanks. What's up?" I giggle a bit.

"Nothing much. Pretty much so bored without you." He chuckles.

"Of course you are." I laugh.

"Well get up and get ready now."

"Why though?" I say acting all dump.

"Ooh god. You forgot? We going to a club tonight." He says, sounding a bit hurt. He fell for my little prank.

I laugh. "I was kidding Nialler." I laugh a bit again at his cuteness.

"Ooh yeah you always do pranks to me! Meany." He says.

How can be someone be so cute like that?

We talk a bit longer just fooling around each other and laughing here and there about stupid things.


"You .. look amazing." Niall says as he stands in my door way, looking me up and down, bitting his lips as he do so.

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." I giggle.

We walk to his car, him of course being the gentleman opening and closing the door for me and then he climbs his own seat and drive off to our destination.

We finally made it to the club. He wraps his arms around me as soon as we make our way in. Loud music and alcohol smell hit me in the face as we enter the club. Sticky people everywhere slurring while talking, dancing their hearts out or making out and eating each other faces.

"Wanna have a drink?" Niall asks as we sit on the bar stools.

"Sure." I give him a small nod, hesitating a bit.

He order our drinks and then stare at me. "Wanna .. do anything?" He asks after a while.

"I don't know. I've never been to a club before." I say being all honest.

"What?! Are you serious?"

"Mhm." I nod, laughing a bit at his reaction.

"Well I should make this time, the best one." He winks at me.

Soon, our drinks arrives. He hands me mine and I took a small sip every now and then.

"Look. I have a good thing for you." He says, pulling a sheet of I guess a medicine from his back pocket.

"What's that?" I ask as he hands me one in my hands.

"Just take it." He winks at me.

"No I don't take drugs." I say, handing it back to him again.

"Ooh is little (Y/N) is an innocent angle? Hmm? She's afraid to take a pill?" He mocks a fake voice, teasing me.

"Fine!" I shout, taking the pill back and swallow it. Soon, everything begin to become blurry and spin around me. "N-niall? What's h-happening t-to me?" I shutter, holding my head.

"That's when everything feels okay." And that is the last thing I remember.

-next morning-

I wake up in unfamiliar room. Where am I? I got kidnapped? Hell no! I look beside me only to be met by blue eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." He says. I look at him, he's .. naked!! I hope the sheets up a bit only to find that I am too!! What the fuck happened last night!!

"What the fuck?! What happened?! Why I'm naked?! Why you too?!" I ask all of a sudden.

"Calm down princess." He says. Princess? From when when he calls me by that name? "I wish you could remember but I just say you were amazing! Like, you blow my mind! You are not that innocent, are you?"

What the fuck he's talking about? Did I .. ? "D-did w-we..."

"Yeah! And you never told me you were a virgin though. But thanks god you went with it and then we began our perfect night." He says, sounding so happy! He .. he took what I've been saving for the one who I'll marry for fucks sake!

"I was?! How the hell I was? You took the one thing I was saving for the one who I will marry! You took something I will never be able to take it back! How you're so fine with that?! Huh? I probably am nothing to you but a nice one night stand! You-" He cut me off with his lips. I'm so in shock. I can't believe Niall is kissing me?

Before he pulls back cause I didn't kiss back, I smash my lips to his making him smile through it.

"From the first day, when our bags got exchanged, that's when I knew you are the only one for me. How you looked pissed cause of how loud my voice was and how you calmed me and the manager. How you were fine with the problem and others too. How you look, how your body is and most important, your pure soul and white heart. That's when I crashed and knew I'm in love with you (Y/N). And of course I understand if you don't cause you probably still love your boyfr-"

I cut him off this time by crashing my lips to his. He kisses back immediately. Me smirking as he do so.

"I'm so in love with you I hope you know." He says.

"I-I love y-you too." I say. I shutter a bit since this is the first time I say I Love You to a boy. Alan never said that to me. And that when the truth come crashing to my head ..

I'm in love with Niall.

Sup there 👋

Soooo here is the second part finally. Hope you liked and enjoyed it :)

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