I Took A Pill In Ibiza (Part One)

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"Look Alan! We're over! Okay. WE'RE OVER." I scream as I storm out of his house. Our relationship was shit the past 2 months and nor me or him were doing anything to fix it. Yeah I like him and all but he was distant and to be honest I was ignoring him too.

I don't know what to do now. Maybe go on a holiday? I think that sounds cool.

I just wanna break my routine a bit. So a couple of days somewhere far from here will do me good (hopefully), right?

I arrive at my flat and go directly to my room to pull out my laptop. I surf a bit trying to choose a place to go. Good thing I was saving money for no reason. I keep looking and looking until an offer catches my eyes. Ibiza? Why not? I enter their site and look around a bit. Its amazing.

A few moments later I got my tickets and go to my wardrobe to pack some clothes for I don't know how long I'll stay there. The place looked incredible in the pictures. I hope I will enjoy my time there.

My flight is tonight's morning so I better hurry.


My bag is ready, my money, my things, electronics. Done. Everything is ready.

Its now 11 pm since I went shopping. The airport is not that far and plus my flight is at 1 am so I still have time.

For not wasting my time I start to put my things in the car so I won't be in rush.

Time fly by and it's nearly midnight so I got in my car and start to drive to the airport.

*Skip the airport*

"Ladies and gentlemen, please buckle your seatbelts. We're now landing." A lady announces.

I look out of the window to see the city. Its not like N.Y. but its amazing. It's a bit like Greece.


There's someone out yelling and shouting and I can't concentrate on a thing from his voice. What's his problem?

The problem is that each floor has two sides. Each side contains 2 rooms and that guy is making it harder on me right now.

After about 15 minutes later, I can't take it anymore so I stand up and swing open my door causing him to shut up and look at me.

Blue eyes, blond hair, woah. He's so cute. Shut the fuck up! Sorry sorry.

"What's going on here? I can't focus on anything. Will you please low your voice a bit." I say trying to be as much nice as I can be. How can I raise my voice at such a hottie.

"I'm sorry ma'am." The man standing in front of us says. "Can you please check your bags?" He adds. What the hell.

"Sure but why?" I ask and look at the boy to see him already staring at me making my heart skip a beat. His stare is something no one can contain.

"I think you both have the same bags and they were just switched. I'm sorry for disturbing, sir." The man says to the blue eyed boy. Oh so that's why they were much lighter lol.

After checking the bags and I got my bags and Niall, which I knew his name, got his back, he asked if I were up to go to a club tomorrow and I agreed. He's just a good guy. Bet he has a girlfriend anyways. We exchanged numbers and said 'night' to each other.

I'm now about to fall asleep when my phone vibrates informing that there's a new message.

'Good night (YN). See ya tomorrow x N'

Told ya he's such a good guy. But anyways I'm not here to get my heart broken again. I'm on a vacation to clear everything from my mind for a bit.

Do I really think like that?

I'm such an idiot for not knowing what's coming is gonna change my life.

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