Love You Goodbye

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We've been with each other for 1 year and 8 months and 5 days. Things hadn't been too good lately and we both knew that our relationship should come to an end despite how much love we both hold for each other.

I struggled with the keys a bit while opening the door. That was so hard but I couldn't keep going knowing that we both aren't comfortable. We had to do this.

"Niall?" I called out as soon as I entered our shared flat. I walked into the kitchen to find him sitting on the floor and bunches of wine and vodka bottles surrounding him. His hair was sticking out everywhere and there was black around his once were shinning blue eyes. His face was dull and lost of emotions.

He looked up at me lazily and gave me a small smile. "Hey pwncess." He tried to get up but failed. Slowly, I made my way towards him. I put one arm under each of his arms and pulled him up. I wrapped his right arm around my neck and helped him reaching our shared room. I laid him on our bed and sit on the edge, staring at him.

"Y-you look.. so beautiful." He slurred. Even though all what we been through, he managed to still make blood rush to my cheeks.

"Thank you but for your information, you're drunk." I chuckled.

"But still." His eyes never left mine. All of a sudden, his face turned into a frown and soon, tears were streaming down his face like a waterfall. Sobs escaped his mouth as well.

"Why are you crying?" I whispered and took of my shoes and climbed the bed to comfort him.

"I.. I don't know.. I just love you so much pwncess." He said between his cries.

"You know I love you too, Ni." Tears already were building up in my eyes but I tried my best to not let them fall.

"Then why are we doing this?" He sobbed violently. Every sob escaped his mouth, shattered my heart. His state was just miserable and that didn't help the pain in my heart.

"Please don't cry." I patted his shoulders in attempt to calm him down.

"I don't wanna lose you yet don't wanna keep hurting you. I haven't been the best boyfriend and I blame myself for that. I didn't protect you enough to not break your heart. Just the thought of me the reason to your pain makes me wanna end my life in a blink of eye." By now, we were crying mess. Sobs escaped both of our mouths without mercy.

"I know.. I know, Ni." I kissed his forehead. He moved a bit so his head was resting on my chest with his arm slanging across my stomach lazily. I kept playing with his hair knowing that was one of the ways to calm him down and with that soon he's snoring lightly.


"Thank god.. thank god you're still here." I heard him whispering and then a few light kisses were placed on different places on my face. I opened my eyes to be met by those favourite blue eyes of mine that were no longer shining.

"Don't make this any harder on yourself and me, Niall." I signed. I just didn't want to say anything that'd hurt him. That might be the last day we would spend with each other so I didn't want to make any mistake.

"C-can I ask you something?" He whispered. I nodded. "You.. you still love me?" His eyes finally met mine.

"I never stopped and never will." I said. His lips captured mine as soon as I finished. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. That was wrong I know but I had no other choice other than giving in. I kissed him back with equal force, need and passion. There was love but I could tell it was different from any other time. Love that time was replaced by.. lust.

"Niall." I moaned as his lips left mine to make its way to my neck. He sucked on my sweet spot sure to leave a mark.

"Please.. please (Y/N)." He said out of breathe. His lips never left my neck. And his tongue kept brushing on the stinging area he had made. "Let me love you goodbye."

"Make love to me Niall." I whispered in his ears.

As if no cue, he pushed me on my back gently until it met with the bed. He hovered over me straddling my waist. His hands crept its was to my shirt unbuttoning it and then taking it off completely throwing it away somewhere. My hands kept tugging on his t-shirt as well needing to feel him skin on skin. He seemed that he noticed and helped me taking it off.

Soon, we laid both completely naked in a hot make out session. Moans and groans kept escaping both of our mouths non-stop. Without parting our lips, his hand reached out to grab a condom from the night stand. He wasted no time putting it on and then looked me in the eyes and said, "You ready princess?" With a nod as a reply, he pushed his tip into my entrance.

Non of us denied the pleasure we both were sharing. Our bodies were like a puzzle. With each thrust, the pain in my heart smoothed. With each thrust I managed to savior it knowing I won't feel him again. With each thrust the man who was making me feel as if I'm floating on cloud nine won't be mine no longer.

"N-niall." I moaned. "I'm c-close." I managed to get out.

"Me too. Just tell me when you're ready. On count to 3.. 1, 2,...3!" And with that, my body felled with pure bless. Relief took over my body with moans escaping my mouth due to my high. He made me feel good and only him who knows my body that well. He knows where to touch me. He just knew the right places.

With struggling to catch our breath again, he rested his forehead on mine. "I love you." He said, out of breathe.

"I love you." I said.

Slowly, he pulled out of me discarding the condom and throwing it in the trash. He came back and we cuddled till we both fell asleep into each other arms, knowing that the day after I will go.

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