Realizing a Mistake (NaLu)

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Hey guys! This is my first story ever so i really hope you like it !!! Have fun reading !!!!


Lucy's Pov.

Ahhh... It is another regular day at the guild. Cana is drinking, Erza is eating her strawberry cake, Mira-san is washing the dishes, Elfman lectures Jet and Droy about being a MAN, and Juvia was stalking Gray while he was fighting with Natsu. Yep... just a regular day for me! But..... lately Lisanna has been acting really cold torwards me. She just came from Edolas and i thought that we were gonna be friends but when she heard that me and Natsu are partners she started ignoring me.And not only that... she also managed to make everybody ignore my by popping out of nowhere when i was having a conversation with someone.Anyway I am now sitting at the bar really bored... Maybe I should-

''LUCYYYYYY!!!!!'' sudently Natsu came infront of me waving a paper right into my face.

''Hey Natsu, what's up?''

''Let's go on a job!'' said Natsu but before i could answer Lisanna entered the conversation...

Lisanna's Pov.

I have been sitting near the bar with Happy .... he has been talking to me about fish for about half an hour. Actually i was paying attention to him until i saw Natsu run to Lucy and asking her to go on a job with him. It made me so angry!!!! Why was he asking her to go with him while I am right here!! I mean she was olny replacing me while i was 'dead' right?? Then why....WHY???? Ohhhh... i can't let that happen right before that idiot (Lucy) answered i iterapted them.

''Natsuuuuuuu!!!! I am soooo bored let's go on a job !! oh what's this you already picked one??? Great let's go!!!'' and before he could say something i dragged him out of the guild .

END OF CHAPTER!!!! so what do you guy's think?

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