I can't believe I am leaving...

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Lucy's Pov. 

A tear escapes while i was trying to hold back. 'I am kicking you out of the team' This phrase continues to echo in my head. I can't believe he actually said that!!! And the worst part is that he said that he is replacing me with Lisanna...

Natsu's Pov.

Phewww......i said but when i looked at Lucy she didn't look good. Well whatever.... Lisanna is calling me to go on a job so i am leaving her here.But when me and Lisanna where leaving i heard Lisanna say something like...'Alright now she is out of the team'' but i didn't pay much attention.

Lucy's Pov.

I stand up quietly and head to the Master's office. When i got there i knock the door and he lets me go in.

''Lucy, my child what do you need today?'' he asks me with a smile on his face but when i told him that i am leaving the guild that smile dissapeared and was replaced with a shocked expression.I explain everything to him and he understands so he erases my guild mark and i leave with my heart broken hoping that somewhere, sometime i will find happiness. I packed my suitcases and left.Away from my home, away from the guild, away from Magnolia but mostly away from a certain pink-haired Dragon Slayer.

END OF CHAPTER!!! I am sorry if it is small but as i said before this is my first story sooo....

Realizing a Mistake (NaLu)Where stories live. Discover now