Two idiots...combine them to one!!!

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Lucy's Pov.

She is less than a meter away from me when suddenly...the cave's wall breaks and all i see is an incredibly bright red light.

About an hour ago...

Sting's Pov.

I can't believe i am teaming up with him.How did Rogue even come up with this pairing?When all this is over i am gonna kill that traitor...

''Hey,what are you thinking about?''

''Shut up Fire breath!It's not your concern.''

'' is.You are slowing me down.''

''Oh really?How so?''

''Well, for are going the wrong way.''

I then look around and i realize that he was true...

''Whatever, let's just find Lucy so we can get out of this town.''



''Cause you are...''

Wow...he is extremely calm about this.

''Anyway, how did your partner come up with this pairing?''

''I don't know...There are some times that even i can't understand him.''


Rogue's Pov.

I have an idea.

''I have a plan.''

''Really? What?''

''Sting. You and Natsu will follow Lucy's scent that goes that way and i will follow the one that goes that way.'' i say while pointing the different streets

''Hey!Why are you teaming me up with Fire breath?He is an idiot!''

''No! You are the idiot, not me!''

''YOU ARE BOTH IDIOTS! So,it is dangerous to let either one of you to go alone so i am teaming you up.Also, my hearing is very, very, VERY good so i suggest you don't fight while searching for her or else...''

''Or else what?''

''You don't wanna know Natsu.'' I say with an angry aura surrounding me

''OK...''they said and left and before i leave to i heard them whispering to each other

''I cant believe he is ordering us around...''

''Yeah who does he think he is?When we get back I am going to beat him up...''


''YES SIR!!!'' and ran away...

*Flashback end*

Sting's Pov.

''Anyway, where are we?''

''In a forest.''

''Really?I didn't realize with all the trees surrounding us.'' i say with a lot of sarcasm while he just-

wait...what's that sound?

''Hey Sting.Do you hear it too?''

''Yeah it sounds like...something is hitting iron or something...''

''It is coming from that cave.Let's go check.''

We arrived and suddenly we both smelled Lucy from inside the cave.There is no mistaking it.Lucy is in there with someone else but i don't know who.

''Let's brake the wall and get inside.''


We then started hitting the wall with all our powers but we crashed only halfway in...

''Hey Fire brain.Let's do our breath attack.''


''Fire dragon's...''

''Holy dragon's..''


We did our breath attack and the wall broke while our attacks emmited a bright red light.


So do you like how i made Rogue's personality?He is calm but when you anger better hide.I hope you liked it! Also i changed the book's cover.Do you like it?


Stand, bow


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