3 long years...

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Lucy's Pov.

While I was waiting for the train to start moving a blonde man sat beside me with a red exceed.He looked kind of scary but at the same time he didn't.When the train started i saw something that i didn't expect to see... The blonde man started to hold his tummy and made weidr noises! It can't be.... He has motion sickness!!!Just like Natsu... Wait... Did i say Natsu? No I must forget him, he made me quit the guild. I stared at the blonde for a while until he talked.

Sting's Pov.

When i sat on the train my motion sickness returned....nghh... after a while i realised that a blonde girl was staring at me.

''What...nghh...are you....looking at.........blondie...????'' i put all my power in order to speak.

''What..???Oh, sorry you just seem a little... sick... do you have motion sickness?''she asked with a sweet voice

''Maybe a little......but that doesn't.....mean that i'm.....weak.Ok?''iam not weak! after all i am the great light dragon slayer!!!HA HA HA.......nhgggg...

''I didn't say you are weak.Oh, by the way i'm Lucy!''

''I'm Sting, the light dragon slayer ....and a member of the awewsome guild .....Sabertooth!!''wow i feel more relaxed when i am around her...

Lucy's Pov.

A dragon slayer huh...Sabertooth??? maybe i could join since i will need money to stay somewhere.

''Can i join Sabertooth? I may not look like it, but i am a mage!''please say yes...

''Sure... ok. what kind of magic do you use?'' awesome i can join!!!

''Celestial Spirit Magic''

Sudenly a voice appeared.''Please all passengers leave the train.''

''Looks like we are here.i can't wait to join Sabertooth!!! can you lead me there?'' i asked the now rivaved dragon slayer.

''Sure come on'' I followed him to the guild where i joined after that a white haired girl named Yukino came to me asked me if i wanted to be friends with her i said yes and we started chating.But as i thought....it will be deficult to forget Fairy Tail.

Meanwhile at Fairy Tail.

Natsu's Pov.

When we returned from the job i gasped at the news the master had....

''What do you mean Lucy quit the guild???'' me, Erza,Gray and happy asked while the only thing Lisanna did was smirk.

''Exactly like you heard.... She quit because evryone ignored her and you kicked her out of the team!''master said while mira tried to keep him from murdering Natsu.Then he continued...

''But she said she doesn't want anyone go after her''

''i do not care we have to go look for her!''i cant let her go she is my friend...

''NATSU YOU ARE FORBIDEN OF GOING TO LOOK FOR LUCY!!! IF YOU DO I WILL KICK YOU OUT OF THE GUILD! WE HAVE TO RESPECT LUCY'S CHOICE''wow i didnt know that master could get this angry but i quess leaving Lucy is the best choice...

Nobody's Pov.

Lucy got used to the guild and made a lot of friends there while at Fairy Tail they where miserable only for a few months.Everyone got used to their new way of leaving and eventually 3 long years passed...

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