Ch.3-A Night at the Beach, A Day at the Zoo

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Harry’s POV-

“We should go dancing.”

“No, no one likes to dance lets go to the beach.”

“It’s too cold to go to a beach, we should go eat.”

“We just ate!”

“And? We could get dessert.”

“I say we should go to sleep,” I said, and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

So right now we’re trying to decide what we should do, and I’m knackered so I just want to sleep. As everyone is bickering I look over to Kendra who’s shaking her head disapprovingly, I laugh at the sight. She looks up at me and smiles, I smile back and we just look at each other as everyone else is arguing.

“Kendra what do you want to do?” Nina asks snapping us out of our trance.

“Um I say we should go back to the hotel, sleep, and do something fun tomorrow. You guys have a show Friday so we have all day tomorrow to do something.”

“Wow you’re no fun,” Louis says.

“Let’s go to the beach people!” Zayn says.

The beach sounds fun, sure it’s like eight o’ clock and the water would be freezing but we could just hang out.

“I’m with Zayn we should go,” I say.

“Thanks buddy,” Zayn says as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

“Okay then the beach it is!”

We all cheered, happy that we finally agreed on something and went to get the car. Once we got to the car we then started arguing on who would drive, and finally decided that it would be Louis. Liam sat in the passengers while the rest of us sat in the back.

The beach we’re going to is near the hotel but I’m not exactly sure what it’s called.

Pointless conversations, singing along to Spanish songs, and one quick stop for gas later we arrived at the beach. It was really empty, which makes sense.

Once we got out of the car Louis ran like a madman towards the water. I thought he wasn’t actually going to go in but he did. He came out a couple of minutes later with his clothes soaking wet.

“Come on guys the water’s great!”

“Lou it’s about to be nine and it was raining earlier, I think the water would be a bit cold,” Nina said, she’s right.

“Oh come on guys have some fun!”

“He’s right I’ll go, but I’m taking off my shoes because I spent good money on them,” Zayn said.

“See Zayn is doing it and I’m not even sure he can swim so come on!”

“I’ll do it too,” Liam said.

“We’ll go too,” Nina said as she grabbed Niall’s arm.

“Perfect now Haz, Ken?” Louis asked.

“I’ll go,” I said I looked to Kendra who was looking at the sand.

“Kenny you coming?” I asked.

“Ha no thanks I can’t swim.”

“Yes you can!”

“Alright we’ll get going,” Louis said as he ran back into the water along with everyone else.

“Come on Kenny.”

“No way it’s way too cold, I’m not crazy Harry.”

“Fine then.”

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