Allie: I'm sorry

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  Once I finished my test I went out to my locker. And to my "surprise" Ben was standing there right next to my locker. I'm still getting used to this whole "guardian angel thing" so I gave out a small gasp when I saw him. But something was different, he looked sad and distracted. I walked up to him slowly and whispered, "Hey, you okay?" He just let out a big sigh, looked at me. I gave him a small smile to let him know that he could talk about it. And he returned the smile, but it seemed forced.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just think I'll wait out here for the rest of the day. If that's ok with you" He said in a hushed tone.

"Okay" I replied. I grabbed my things and went off to class.

(Time skip to end of the school day because I can)

  On the way from school, I talked to Ben some more. I know something is wrong with him. I feel like I could help him in someway.

"I get the feeling that something is bothering you. I get it if you don't feel comfortable talking to me yet, but I could a least try to help. I mean, I give my friends advice all the time." I said. He looked at me and opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but no words came out. I looked back down at the sidewalk, until I heard him speak.

"So you and Nathan seem to be good friends." He said.

"Yeah you could say that. I mean he's been for a few years, but we're still pretty close." I couldn't help but blush. I've always had a crush on Nathan (along with every other girl in my grade) I just couldn't help it. His bright eyes twinkle in the light. His perfect smile, they way his hair dances in the wind. He was just absolutely per-

"Hello earth to Allie!" Ben shouted while waving his hand in my face. I blushed deep red with embarrassment.

"Oh! Sorry I was just thinking about... Math homework. Yeah, I-I...just have so much math homework, ya know?" I said whilst stuttering my words.

"Oh so that's what we're calling Nathan now?" He said ending with a smirk.

"N-no. Look you got your problems and I got my lets just keep it that way." I pouted.

"Can't", he remarked, "you are my problem. I have to find you a new soulmate, but I think I found someone for you."

"Really? But you just got here."

"Don't worry I think you'll like him", I was confused how could he find someone for me already? It's madness, unless it's- "Nathan", he continued. I don't think I've ever smiled so big.
"To bad I don't approve of him", he casually said I stopped in place, but he just kept on strolling down the sidewalk. I'm so confused he just said that Nathan was perfect for me, but he doesn't approve of him?! What does this mean?! I ran up to him.

"What do you mean you don't approve of him! He's perfect!" I said catching my breath (I'm not athletic, ok!).

"Well I, your guardian angel, have to approve your new soulmate before you can actually claim one another as "soulmates". And I don't approve of him because... Well let's just say that his family and my family have some bad blood." He said. I was raging I really like Nathan, we've been friends forever. I know that we're perfect for each other.

"Your families have bad blood?! Why would that even matter your d-", I paused before I continued. How could be so insensitive.

"Your right, I'm dead", I froze as well. His voice started to get shaky. "I'm dead because of him. Nathan's father." Those last words barley escaped out of his mouth. I could this was painful for him. And I was just being selfish. I was only thinking about being with Nathan, when Ben had bigger problems.

"I'm- I'm so sorry" I said. Tears started welling up in my eyes. Nathan's father? Mr. Colt? A murder? It couldn't be.

"And that's not the worst part", he said with hate in his voice. "It was on purpose."

Sorry that I'm kinda uploading late but, I had a lot of drama going on today. I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter! I told my friend that I would write an extra long chapter as payment for helping me with my homework.
Thanks for reading, BYE!!!

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