Chapter 2

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All of the souls gathered together at the northern park. Children were playing around and the souls were standing at the swings as a large group. Sehun sat on the swings, in the middle of the circle.

"There's been another strike." Chanyeol brought up the subject again. They started saying facts about the killer. Sehun didn't speak and only listened, when suddenly he jumped off the swing and ran towards the street.

"Sehun!" Jongin said teleporting to him to stop him before running into the busy road.

"What was that?!" Zitao exclaimed really worriedly.

The rest of them all caught up with him and crowded around him. The pedestrian light lit up and Sehun kept running towards the street and crossed the road. The rest of them did the same and followed, but confused.

"What is it?" Kyungsoo asked trying to catch up with the long-legged Sehun.

"That girl, she was present when we were escaping from trouble at school." Sehun shouted and pointed at the short pink haired girl. They all followed his finger and saw the back of her. Nothing was in her way. Everything and everyone moved out of her way. There was definitely some sort of witchcraft. Jongin disappeared and reappeared in front of the girl. She stopped walking and looked at Jongin with wide beautiful eyes.

 Jongin backed away with an alarmed expression.

"What is it?" Kyungsoo asked.  Jongin squinted his eyes and cocked his head to the side, as if he was thinking.

Sehun rushed over and caught her arm before she went off again. She threw her hands back, but she couldn't loosen the tight grip.

"Who are you?" Sehun asked.

"None of your business." She spoke, she had a strangely low voice for a girl,  "Let go."

She shook her arm but it didn't work so she told them her name, thinking it would free her from the human handcuffs. "XiaoLu."

"Do you know what we did?" Sehun asked.

The rest of them all held Sehun back.

Why would Sehun go to a random person and just ask them about their powers?

"Freeze time? That's forbidden." XiaoLu answered turning around, facing Sehun. He was a good three centimeters shorter, but tall for a girl that is. 

"Well, you don't go kill people randomly either." Sehun said calmly.

Everyone loosened their grips confused in the situation.

"What?" Joonmyun said in complete confusion.

XiaoLu looked at Sehun then at the crowd behind him. People around them were passing by with strange looks on their faces. XiaoLu's eyes traveled from one thing to the other. She tried to break free from Sehun's tight grip, but failed once again. She looked at the arm in confusion. Then she raised her free hand at the trashcan next to her and it started floating.

Zitao looked at the levitating object and suddenly the people around him froze and so did the trashcan. Zitao was straining himself. He had already been hurt from earlier. His hair was now a bright red color.

XiaoLu looked around and saw that the levitating object had stopped in mid-air. She looked back and forth between the crowd, the street, and the frozen people. He saw Zitao narrowing his eyes. His hair was completely different from before. She ran to him, forgetting about Sehun's firm grip and was rebounded back immediately.

"Knowing that you aren't affected by time control; it seems to me that you have powers like us." Sehun said.

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun then back to Luhan, "I guess we found our 12th soul."  He smiled a crooked smile.

"How'd you know?" Yixing asked curiously, poking his head between Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"She walked by our school when we were escaping and stood at the gates when the rest of the school panicked." Sehun said.

Minseok walked over to XiaoLu and put his hand on their hands.

"You're right! Powers don't work on her! It's the first girl!" Minseok said.

Jongin flinched on the sentence.

"Hurry let's go somewhere, I'm getting tired." Zitao mumbled.

Only Yifan heard. Yifan walked to them and picked up XiaoLu. His hair turned blonde and he flew away with last words, "Wolf 88."

Zitao fell to his knees. Yixing quickly rushed back to where Zitao was and his hands hovered around Zitao's neck where an hourglass tattoo was present. "Not here," Zitao groaned.

Being the only one taller than Zitao at the scene, Chanyeol carried Zitao on his back. Chanyeol started walking and noticed that people around them were staring.

"Jongin, send Zitao to Wolf 88." Jongin nodded.

"Sehun, gust." Jongin said. Sehun nodded and closed his eyes he put his hands up to the right the swiped them diagonally down to the left creating a large wind.

At the split second when bystanders were busy catching themselves from the gust of wind, Jongin vanished. The rest of them all walked in different directions. Kyungsoo followed Jongdae and walked across the street. Sehun walked over to Joonmyun and they followed Minseok across the street. Baekhyun and Chanyeol stayed and started walking forward as a pair. Yixing followed a few feet behind them.  On the other side of the street Minseok followed Jongdae and Kyungsoo because he was new to the group and knew nothing of this 'Wolf 88'.

They all walked and turned sharp corners following each other, undetected by the other citizens. Kyungsoo walked into a bar named Angel with a large sign saying 'No minors allowed.' Minseok looked confused but didn't break the silence. The three of them walked in and the bell boy looked at them weirdly and spoke, "IDs please."

Kyungsoo pointed at one of the men inside. "West."

The bell boy called his name, "West! You know this guy?"

West looked over and shouted, "Yeah, just a while. I'll be right there." The bell boy let the three of them pass.

"Let me see. D.O! Long time no see." West said. Minseok blinked a few time but disregarded the name change.

Kyungsoo pulled up his pants and showed a tattoo that glowed and shined of blue on his ankle. His hair turned slightly lighter and a tint of red spread.  

West set his hand on the wall and a rectangle seeped deeper into the wall, and then went down under. Minseok's eyes widened.

"Chen? Is that you? Have you grown?" West said.

Jongdae walked over to him took off his ring revealing a hidden scorpion tattoo that glowed similarly to Kyungsoo's. "Please don't make fun of my height."  Jongdae followed Kyungsoo into the pitch black tunnel.

"And you are?"  West asked.

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