Chapter 5

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All of them, ready for a full fledged battle, stood, passing glances at each other waiting for someone to start. Sirens went off outside, but silence spread throughout the room.

Sehun put his hand down and his hair started changing from the rainbow to black. They all looked at Sehun shocked to see the youngest of them let go of his power gladly.

"What are you doing? He's dangerous." Yifan broke the silence with a heavy low voice.

"He's only dangerous because he's scared," Sehun started, "only people that have been scared before will understand." Sehun left his attention from Luhan and turned to face Jongdae.

Jongdae looked into the eyes of Sehun and saw truth deep inside the dark black pupils, and he himself felt a gut of guilt tug at his heart. His hair slowly changed back and the electricity flow stopped. Luhan had often been frightened to the point where his power was uncontrollable.

"He's right."

"What's with you guys?" Joonmyun squinted.

Sehun slowly walked step by step over to the side where Luhan was standing. Luhan tensed and his hair got brighter. His eyes narrowed and his eyebrows were getting nearer and nearer. Jongdae followed Sehun.

Minseok looked at the two defenseless people and saw a replay of Luhan from before. Every one of us has two sides. He thought. Minseok was slowly letting his power fade, resulting in his hair color changing.

"If Minseok Sunbaenim is, I will." Chanyeol said happily, bringing his flame to a halt. Baekhyun turned and followed suit.

Luhan's eyes were starting to loosen up but his power was still at maximum level.

Yixing glanced at Yifan not knowing what to do. Zitao standing next to Jongin was confused like always, about to burst into tears. He could feel the warm liquids forming in his eyes. He stared intently at an object to slow the tears from slipping down his cheeks. Jongin patted his shoulders and walked over with the others.

"Jongin?" Kyungsoo looked at him strangely. Jongin gave a small smile and continued to a stop. Kyungsoo ended his power and followed Jongin.

The objects floating around Luhan were getting closer to the ground, but he was still very alert to his surroundings. When Joonmyun saw the objects get closer and closer to the ground he made his decision and let the water fall to the ground.

When Zitao saw Joonmyun drop the water he pulled on Yifan and started walking over to the other side. Both of their hair colors started turning back to its original color. He wiped his eyes and walked clutching tightly on Yifan's blazer.

Only Yixing was left now. He walked over but his hair didn't go back to its original color. His power was harmless as an offense

Luhan calmed down. The flying objects surrounding him landed on the floor making a loud thud. His hair gradually became its original color. There was a moments silence when abruptly Sehun decided to bring up the mood.

"I heard the new aquarium is opened. Let's go today!"

"Yeah! Peter Pan," Tao exclaimed, showing no signs of tears, "I like aquariums." He quickly left the scene and dragged Yifan along with him.

Yifan whispered, "Peter Pan? When was there a new aquarium called Peter Pan?"

"I'll go buy tickets." Joonmyun said, leaving, followed by Yixing.

"Let's go home." Jongin looked at them and vanished, bringing Kyungsoo with him.

An awkward silence entered the room. Jongdae looked at Minseok and spoke, "Minseok Sunbaenim, I need help on one of my homework questions. Can you help me?" Jongdae grabbed his arms and started walking away, leaving Sehun and Luhan alone in the mess.

Sehun started walking towards the door when Jongdae and Minseok started running in from.

"Sehun! Out the window! The police are here!" Jongdae screamed. He pointed out the window with one hand and the other hand was gripped firmly around Minseok's wrist.

"Give us a ride." Jongdae said.

Sehun look around and found a piece of metal that was flat enough to keep stable. His hair changed and the metal scrap was flying. "Step on. It's your lift."

Minseok and Jongdae stepped on the rubble and Sehun made the scrap metal float down on a bubble of air. Sehun grabbed Luhan's wrist and stepped on another piece and they started floating. The police rushed in and saw them floating. Luhan shook off Sehun's hand, giving him a fright, and pulled his hands from his waist up over his head. Debris started flying and Sehun moved the lift out the window.  The two of them ducked from the windowpane.

When they reached the ground Sehun snatched Luhan's wrist and started running.


It was a strange sensation for Luhan. Never had he felt good from physical contact with another being. Sehun was the first. He had somewhat of a secure feeling, being held by the hands of this high school student. Maybe it's because he's another soul. Luhan thought.

Sehun's hair was back to normal now. Luhan watched the fluffy flowing hair in front of him. Nothing around him averted his attention from the head in front of him. Luhan was too absorbed in this student he didn't notice his surroundings. Sehun came to a halt, resulting in a crash to the behind.

"We're here." Sehun said.

"This isn't an aquarium." Luhan said looking up at the sign. It wasn't even a building. There were iron gates with the words: Peter Pan. Beyond the gates there was a beautiful park with children playing and pets running. "This is a park."

"You'll be shocked to see the real thing." Sehun said. He noticed he was still holding on to the small frail wrist of Luhan. His face burned with heat. Sehun let go of the hand immediately and started scratching his head.

Luhan looked at Sehun and his hair slowly got lighter to the shade of pink. Sehun quickly grabbed the wrist again and spoke, "Are you scared?"

Luhan's hair darkened and he shook his head. "Not at all." His voice shivered and he moved his hands. His fingers interlocked with Sehun's.

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