Chapter 4

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As the sun was setting, the group left the cabin. After a while, it was only Yixing and Luhan left. The rest of them went to their own dorms for the night. Luhan had nowhere to go so he stayed at Wolf 88. Yixing thought it'd be bad to keep an injured guy alone so volunteered to stay.

"Zitao!" Yifan addressed outside of the bathroom. "I'm going to leave if you don't hurry up." Zitao had a fear of showering alone, so he always brought someone to the bathroom with him. Today it was Yifan's turn. Jongdae, Yixing, and Zitao shared a room and Yifan would often visit Zitao because they had three students in a four person dorm.

Zitao walked out of the bathroom with only his boxers.

"You should really put more clothes on." Yifan said walked behind him.

"Why? It's only us, we're all male anyway." Zitao replied walking to the desks. He sat down in one of the chairs and started to do his homework. Yifan leaned against the bunk bed post and watched quietly as Zitao did his homework. Jongdae was busy doing something else at his desk.

Yifan started slumping more and more. Tiredness spread throughout his body and he decided to go take a shower.

"Zitao, lend me a shirt and pants." Yifan said walking into the bathroom. Zitao did as told and dug out a loose t-shirt and some sweat pants. Yifan took a 20 minute shower and when he came out the time was around one in the morning. Zitao was fast asleep on his desk with his pencil in his hand. His lamp was still shining brightly. Jongdae already climbed into the top bunk of the left bed. Yifan took the pencil out of Zitao's hand and put it on the table. He carried him to the bottom bunk of the right bed and tucked him into bed.

Yifan walked over to the desk and found an essay paper that was due way before. Zitao wasn't doing his homework. He was only pretending.

It happened a lot. Zitao seemed to enjoy Yifan's presence and thought of many different ways to keep him at his dorm.

Yifan looked at the clock and thought to himself. Well, the subways are down by this time, I might as well sleep here. He climbed up on the top bunk over Zitao and tucked himself in and went to sleep.

"Zitao wake up." Jongdae said shaking him not noticing the company of Yifan. Zitao turned around and rolled out of bed. He went to the dresser and took out his uniform and slipped it on. He was adjusting the jacket when he saw Yifan in the reflection of the mirror. Jongdae already left the room.

"Yifan! You're supposed to be at school already! Teachers need to get there earlier."  Zitao said.

"Well it's your fault for making me miss the last subway." Yifan said rolling out and climbing down the ladder.  He got ready and the two of them left together, arriving at the school laughing side by side.

First period passed.

Second period passed.

Third and fourth period passed.

Lunchtime finally came around.

Zitao was about to leave to room to go to the rooftop and meet up with his friends when all of a sudden a group of girls walked in front of him and blocked his way.

"Umm can I pass?" Zitao said his high cute voice.

"Why did you come to school with Yifan songsaegnim (teacher) today?" one of the taller girls asked. Zitao looked down at the girl.

"Huh?" he replied confused.

"You know, this morning? You guys walked to school together. Yifan songsaegnim is one of the most talked about teacher and you dare walk to school with him?" A slightly larger girl said.

"Yeah!" a scrawny girl in glasses added, pushing her glasses and gripping her books tightly.

"He woke up late so I walked to school with him. Nothing much." Zitao said really worried. His hair started getting brownish. Why was he being stopped for such a foolish reason?

"Zitao!" Sehun called running down the hall, "hurry up!" The girls all saw Sehun and surrounded him with joy.

"Can we have lunch with you?" The tall girl asked Sehun. Their tones and attitudes were completely different from before.

Zitao walked away secretly, somewhat down, and went up the stairs.

"What happened to Sehun?" Chanyeol asked when he only saw Zitao come through the door.

"He got caught by girls again." Zitao started, "and he gladly saved my butt."

"Were you asked about Yifan again?" Baekhyun asked.

"Your son is being taken away." Jongdae joked, elbowing Joonmyun.

Yixing didn't come to school today. They all assumed that he was still with Luhan.

They had their normal conversations when suddenly they hear loud screaming from the building across the school.

Kyungsoo stood up rapidly and looked over the side. Heavy things were flying out the windows and Yixing was spotted entering the building.

"Luhan!" Kyungsoo said rushing down the stairs. The rest of them dropped their food and rushed after him. Each one of their hair colors were changing slowly as they ran through the halls. When they passed Sehun and the girls, they grabbed him and Sehun looked at the hair colors of his friends and his hair started to change as well.

Minseok was walking out of the teacher lounge when the souls rushed pass. His papers went flying and he only saw the different hair colored students and knew there was something important going on. He walked back into the lounge and yelled, "Yifan! Trouble." Yifan turned around and his hair quickly turned yellow.

They all entered the building together as everyone else was leaving.  There were people smashed under shelves and people heavily injured.

When they reached the floor where Luhan was they all stood in a line. Yifan's eyes were yellow and his hair was blonde he was hunched over staring at Luhan. Yixing was standing next to him with the same shade of hair.

 Joonmyun's hair was a dark shade of brown but lighter than his original black hair. Water was floating around him and circling him. Minseok looked at the others around him and his hair slowly started turning white. The floor under him was becoming cold and frozen. Baekhyun had his right hand out. His hair the color of an eggplant.

Jongdae's hair was sticking straight up and electricity was passing his reddish brown hair. Chanyeol's hair, light brown now, was frizzy and off to both sides. Flames were growing in his hands. Zitao was normal and standing on the side. His hair slightly red, but not bright. Jongin was standing next to Zitao but his hair was the same original color. No one ever knew what color his hair was when he was using his power since he teleported.

Sehun's head was a rainbow. Sunshine seemed to be glowing from it. His hair was flying from the wind.

Kyungsoo on all fours, one knee on the floor in a proposal stance with his fingertips touching the floor on either sides.His light reddish brown hair stared deeply into Luhan's eyes.

Luhan stood silently knowing nothing. His pink hair was pale. Cabinets and desks were floating around him. He looked to his left then to the right and made eye contact with each and every one of them.

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