Chapter 9

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Days passed and the 12 souls all went to school as normal. The Imperial Army was quiet. Everything was calm.

"Sehun! Not again! You really need to stop seducing the girls." Jongdae exploded into laughter when Sehun fell in front of the door of the rooftop.

"Are you okay!?!" Luhan ran over to Sehun and put his arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah, This is normal." Sehun said. He looked at Yixing with puppy eyes and whined, "Can you patch up my bruises? They're painful."

Yixing turned back and rolled his eyes. "Stop meddling with the drama, we still need to figure out how to kill Essem's soul."

"KRISSUUU!!" Zitao screamed slamming the door open. "I know how to get rid of Essem!"

"Really what is it?" Yifan bolted up from the ground holding on to the sides of Zitao's shoulders.

"We purify it." Joonmyun spoke.

"How'd you know?!" Zitao quickly went to Joonmyun.

"Yesterday night when I was in the transporting machine the voice told me. To defeat, violence isn't the answer, stay pure." Joonmyun replied.

"How did you know?" Baekhyun asked Zitao.

"Same as Joonmyun. The voice said listen to the angels not the devils. I think there's an actual person, not a machine." Zitao spoke.

"We need to find that person." Chanyeol said showing his row of shining bright teeth.

"How?" Minseok cut in.

"We ask." Luhan spoke.

11 heads stared at Luhan in amazement. The small frail guy, afraid of everything, was taking the first step.

"Okay, how do we do that?" Sehun asked patting dust off his pants with Yixing following suit.

"First we need to contact the voice." Baekhyun raised his hand and pointed at the door. "We also will skip class." Chanyeol smiled and wrapped his hands around Baekhyun's arms, hugging him from the back, "That's a good idea!"

Joonmyun looked at them and sighed.

"The sooner the better!" Jongdae said standing next to Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"I'm fine with skipping a day or two." Sehun said dragging Luhan with him.

"We're in." Kyungsoo spoke for the first time in a while. Jongin was shocked and was yanked over to stand next to the hugging Chanyeol.

"Sounds fun." Zitao said walked over to the other side, Yifan following behind.

Minseok looked over to Jongdae, and he was giving a smile of approval, "okay then, if it's for the good."

Yixing whispered something to Joonmyun and walked over to Chanyeol and the rest of them. Joonmyun stood staring at the 11 sets of eyes, all pleading for him to agree. The sparkling eyes of Luhan met Joonmyun's. The poor child. He thought. Maybe we can learn about our parents and other things. It won't hurt to miss a few days of school. He walked over to them and they started jumping and bouncing around.

"We better go now." Jongdae spoke and walked to the door going down the stairs. The rest of them followed behind him.


The 12 souls all entered Angel bar together at once triggering a danger sign to West.

"West! Your underlings are here, get them out before the police come." The man in the doorway shouted.

"So, what's the problem. Why are you all here?" West said scanning everyone. "Who's that?" He pointed at Jongin.

"He's a soul too, he has teleporting powers he doesn't need to used the portals." Kyungsoo spoke.

"Ahh~~ I see." West said bobbing his head in respect to Jongin. Jongin looked at him and bowed a little.

"We're here because we need to contact the lady in the portal."

"Lady?" West said in shock. "First off, they're multiple people. Second, they are MEN who speak." West said.

"Really??" Zitao spoke.

"Yes,. Let me tell you guys about the portal and their guardians." West started, "there are 4 portals that lead you from Earth to EXO kingdom. It is operated by magic from the Kingdom and there needs to be a guardian that will not die at each portal to protect it."

"Will not die? Like... eternal life?" Sehun asked.

"Yes. If you haven't noticed, I look the same as when you guys were just little children. I know every generation of souls from the beginning." West said in a sarcastic voice, "well anyway, there are four of us: North, East, South, and West. You guys have only met North and me."

They nodded.

"East is the type to keep himself shut in the darkness of his portal. He is in America. South is, strangely, put in Japan...where it is North to EXO. Well anyway, we're the voices you hear when entering the portal. Just ask one of us directly it'll be faster." West finished.

"Okay if you say it that way." Baekhyun spoke. "We are in danger. King Essem's soul has found us and we don't know how to get rid of his soul without killing his vessel."

"Well you came straight out with it." Chanyeol said smiling.

"All you need to do is put your powers together." West said, "it's nothing hard."

"Then how come no souls were able to do it?"

"They couldn't find their power stones." West said.

"Where do we find them?" Yifan suddenly started talking.

"Oh, I have 10 of them with me because of former souls' hard work." West said, "Some of them were in different countries. In random places. To contact your stone you need to drain your power and your tattoo will start glowing at rapid rates. It will then lead you to your stone." West said.

"Sounds simple enough," Luhan spoke. They all turned to him in question. Simple?

"Which stones are missing?" Jongdae asked.

"Earth and teleporting."

"I expect earth is near Tokyo, but I have no idea for teleporting, because the vessel chosen every generation for teleporting is always a quiet guy who doesn't speak often. I also don't know how to drain teleportation." West said.

Everyone looked over to Kyungsoo and Jongin. How to drain teleportation power?

 "Don't worry. Earth will be easy to drain. Just keep shaking up the earth and make earthquakes DO. Japan is used to it."

"But that's so mean." Kyungsoo exclaimed.

"The life of a few or the life of all. Essem is stronger than each individual soul, but if you put the powers together. Nothing can beat him." West said.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind from behind. The door had swung open and North was standing there with his rather casual clothing: a white v-neck with no graphics and a pair of grey straight jeans. His hair was messy though.

 "Essem has broken the North portal. We need to hurry."

A/N: Okay, I hope you enjoyed my final chapter!! I'm sorry it's a cliff hanger, but I am going to make a second story off of this one with a different title, since the story has progressed farther than I thought it would. Please read the sequel to this story by going to my page and clicking "Soul of teleportaion..."

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