Chapter one-In the midst of the darkness-(Part one)

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Quote: "If an individual wants to be a leader and isn't controversial, that means he never stood for anything", US President Richard M. Nixon, (January 9, 1913-April 22, 1994), unquote


The fires came fast.

Everyone stopped to think.

President Nixon was at odds with the forces outside The White House. He felt distracted. The dangerous, whirling, hole was now getting bigger.

"This is getting bad, Dick". Vice-President Spiro Agnew informed him.

"Yes; yes it is. But nothing can happen".

And, by 1973, the House of Nixon, collapsed around him.



November 17, 1973

President Nixon attended the US media.

"I'm not a crook", he informed everyone.

And he sweated at the lie, as all of the microphones bashed into the face of the man who got into the Oval Office, through stealth, coercion, and an anti-Kennedy agenda.

He stood out and gave the one of the last speeches in his political career.



1973 was a year of distrust.

The US public saw 'The Exorcist'; 'Mean Streets'; 'Sisters'; and 'Day of the Jackal'. The social, political, and economic climate was as bad as the Wall Street crash of 1929; the Great Depression of the 1930's; and WWII.

Every action by the Government was made harder.

And Judge John Sirica, the US District Court of California Chief Judge, was having a nightmare to deal with; a nightmare about the damage to the American Justice System. Because, by Christmas, 1973, hell came to the Law Courts...and Judgement came harshly to all of those who worked in the Highest Office in the country.



August 8-9, 1974

"I am resigning tonight so that I can heal America", intoned President Richard M. Nixon. He gave the message to all because he wanted to clear his soul.

And he knew, half way through his term, that what he coming was dangerous. The tapes; the bad behavior; the ruthlessness of what he did, culminated in a frenetic end to his life in the spotlight. Nothing could force him downward...until he blabbered about the consequences that soured the Oval Office, and took politics to a new low.

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