Chapter 5: Familiar Faces

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Y/N stood with Rippen and Larry. Something was off, it was as if her senses were tingling. Even with Rippen's voice, she could hear footsteps nearing.

Her head turned at the only door accessible.

"Rip, shut up." She didn't mean to, but she wanted them to be prepared.

"Um, how dare you?" Rippen tried to look offended, but honestly, he knows he could trust her instincts as well.

Her eyes narrowed at the dimly lit hall. She was waiting for something. The whole room went silent as they looked at the darkness.

She stepped closer at the frame of the door, when all of a sudden, a metal bucket came barrelling towards her face. Her eyes widened, but she instinctively put her forearms in front of her to shield herself.

"Agh!" Sashi roared, charging towards her, who was still preoccupied with the bucket. Y/N recovered just at the right time and luckily dodged her opponent's attack. They began to do a full sparring with one another, the other people in the room not bothering with either of them.

Rippen saw her slightly having a hard time, but he cannot risk it by standing there, doing nothing. He immediately ordered Larry to just set off the bomb already, but the minion was interrupted by Penn who already had a rope in his hands. (I'm pretty sure you all know what that means)

He also didn't notice Boone untying the mayor, managing to get out and get help from his people. They all soon returned with pitchforks and torches, surrounding the town hall containing the heroes and villains.

On the other hand, well, no hands because Y/N's hands were freaking tied against her back by Sashi. She didn't know when it happened, and how she let it happen, but it didn't stop her from using her other limbs to fight.

She didn't even notice the screams and yells outside the building. She was really focused on her mission.

Y/N watched as Sashi kneeled down after receiving a harsh kick down her knee. Now she took her chance. She could almost let her heel slap the back of her neck when she felt a pull from the end of the rope. She was pulled away very roughly and suddenly. She looked back and saw the orange-haired guy she danced with earlier, wearing a smug look on his face.

She was confused before she noticed the chants from outside.

"The three of you are all under arrest in the name of the law."

Rippen, Larry, and Y/N were all dragged into a carriage-wagon type thing. Rippen grabbed the bars and exclaimed, "We'll get our revenge, heroes! We'll get our revenge!"

Y/N scoffed at her co-workers lame use of the cliche line. Larry lifted up a metal cup filled with cents and shook it back and forth, awfully making sounds.

In a flash, you were all back to your dimension. You sighed. In Rippen and Larry's world, this was just like any other day. But for you, it isn't. You didn't hate losing, but it sure sucks when even though you've given your best, you still lost. You still didn't win. It wasn't fair.

"It's okay, Y/N," Larry approached. "We lost, and it's fine. Don't worry about it, okay?"

"Thanks, Larry," you said, skillfully hiding your true emotions with a small smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."

You decided to just leave the bag of sweets and went outside. The sun was just setting, the color reflecting the clouds making it look so warm and cool at the same time. It was peaceful. It made you just want to look at sunsets all day. Maybe by yourself, maybe with someone... maybe with Penn-


You started to go back and tried to distract your thoughts by thinking of other things to think about. Being the casual over-thinker you are, it sure is easy to change the subject to be overthinking about.

You saw your three friends walking along the path you were walking on. "Hey!" You didn't even think twice.

Penn immediately turned his head at the sound of your voice. "Hi, Y/N! Where have you been?" Boone said what he wanted to say.

"Oh, I tried to visit my uncle just across the street," you lied. "What about you guys? Where did you go?"

"We just got off our work," Boone said so smoothly, as if you knew this whole time. Sashi and Penn's eyes widened at their dumb friend. The girl not-so-subtly elbowed Boone's side and he winced. "Ow!"

You faced the building you were currently standing next to and realized that this was really the place where the three of them are working together. "Odyssey. What a cool looking name. This is where you work, right?" You looked at Penn for confirmation.

Penn jumped slightly. It seemed he had already forgotten about the time he told you he was working here with his friend. "Y-yeah." He stuttered out, and he's mad at himself for that.

"Cool," you said again. "Can I walk with you?"

Sashi shrugged. "Sure, might as well."

You can tell Sashi was in a bit of an edge but you didn't question her. You weren't that close yet, but you hoped you could get through her and have a nice friendship.

The walk wasn't quiet. Boone and Penn were casually talking about a show with Sashi chiming in every once in a while. When Boone asked you if you watched the series, you shook your head and told him no. Immediately, the three of them were begging you to watch it with them, saying that it's so cool and realistic. (It was mostly Boone)

You just laughed and agreed to their invitation. You knew they wouldn't do it now, but you're excited to hang out with them nonetheless.

It felt really nice to be welcomed in a town you don't have a clue about. It was barely a month but you've already found your friends where you could easily slip in on any topic they could talk about. They are so real and honest with each other that you came into a conclusion that you finally found someone you could trust and rely on, and you knew they wouldn't keep anything from you.


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