Chapter 2: First Day Part-Timing

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After reminding yourself that you have to buy from the newly-opened bakery once you walk home, you arrived at your workplace.

Like some firsts in this town, it was your first day of work. Although you came here for upgrades and alterations, this was your first official day of being a part-time villain, going inside dimensions and wreaking havoc. Just the thought of it made your heart leap.

You weren't lying when you told Penn that your boss was your closest friend. Phil was a sweetheart. He was very considerate, listening to your suggestions and advice. Sometimes, he even goes as far as treating you food whenever you come here for training, even though most of the time it was just to make a move on your Aunt May, which is never going to happen. Still, you appreciated his efforts.

"Hi, Phil." You greeted, walking towards the buttons and blinky dials your boss was handling. You can recognize the fine details of the device after coming for every day for two weeks, but the name of the dimension was very unfamiliar. "Where are we going today?"

"Same with other."

"What?" You feigned a confused look at Phil's vague statement. You were about to question more, but the sudden creak of a door had interrupted you.

You turned your attention at the door, revealing Rippen, and Larry.

"Good afternoon, sir." You mocked, even taking a slight bow. He sneered in reply, making you giggle. You still couldn't believe that he was your art teacher. Maybe inside this horrendous, monstrous appearance is a softie.

Larry skipped towards you. "Hi, Y/N."

"Hey," You nodded curtly, beginning to walk towards the platform that was lit up in green.

Once everything was set, Phil pressed a button and we were immediately lifted off the ground. With the light, it brought us inside the screen and everything turned black.


You opened your eyes and saw that you were surrounded by trees.

The first thing you checked out was your clothes. You nodded approvingly at your black shirt and khaki pants. You removed the weapon around your torso which was an intrinsic bow.

"But where are my... arrows?"

You furrowed your eyebrows until you decided to stretch your bow a bit until it magically produced a sparkling arrow. You stared in amazement and figured out that your bow automatically creates arrows when you use it.

But what you liked the most was the mask around your eyes. You approached Phil and asked him to make you one when you're in other dimensions. You explained that you wanted to have a different identity and personality that was unlike yours on Earth. He obliged. Now you have a mask that fits perfectly with the world you're in. In this case, it was designed to complement the natural feel of the forest.

"Larry, check the specs," Rippen ordered, dusting the dirt off his own costume.

The other minion pressed a button on his glasses and a hologram appeared. "We are going to steal another globe containing powerful magic before the moon rises. If we succeed, people in this big village will be helpless without its power."

You nodded, listening to every word he said. "So, what's the plan?" You asked the two.

"We have to get it before the others do."

You felt unsure. His plan wasn't constructive and thought through, but you didn't voice out your opinion. You'd just waste your time.

So you wordlessly followed the two out of the forest and trek towards the high mountains. Within an hour, you could almost reach it.

But you felt something weird. You looked around you, and just as you did, you spotted the three so-called "heroes".

Quietly, you tapped Rippen's shoulder and pointed at the three from not so far where you were at. He nodded approvingly and ordered you to knock off the boulder that was perched atop a cliff.

You walked closer and began extending your bowstring, a blazing arrow appearing.

Now that they were close enough, you noticed a ginger, a chub, and a girl.

You thought they all looked familiar, but you suddenly shook your head. What was I talking about? They couldn't be them.

So you released the arrow, effectively pushing away the rock under the bigger rock, making it fall and block the heroes from advancing further.

Larry cheered, walking alongside you and Rippen. "See, I told you she'd make a good addition to the team! This mission was so easy!"

Rippen rolled his eyes, but his lips immediately lifted into a wicked smile when he approached the pedestal holding the powerful globe. But before he could, you heard the rock was being lifted. You turned around and saw that it was surrounded by a blue aura, and soon thrown away, revealing the three heroes.

"Stop right there!" The knight exclaimed, pointing his swords towards you. Beside him were his sidekicks, you assumed; a wizard and an assassin.

They really looked like your friends in real life, but all this analyzing was giving you a headache.

"Give it up, heroes!" Rippen challenged. "There's nothing you can do to stop us. We have a new member, after all."

You stayed quiet, trying to look intimidating as you are, the three stared at you. With this much attention, you can feel your Earth-self returning as you felt warm.

"Nobody can stop us!"

"Not if I can do anything about it!" The assassin expressed before charging towards you. You smoothly dodged her attack and swiped your feet through her legs, making her fall to the ground. While she was down, you shot an arrow at the wizard's spellbook he was carrying, and it flew off his arms. The wizard was actually planning to trap Rippen and Larry, but because his spellbook was out of reach, he couldn't cast a spell.

Penn saw his teammates lose one by one. He saw the sun was beginning to set and he panicked. He would easily accomplish the mission if it wasn't for the random girl appearing in front of their eyes.

He started running for the globe, thinking that you were distracted beating the crap out of his friends.

But boy was he wrong.

He came face-to-face with the archer, who was glaring at him through your mask. He couldn't recognize you, it was as if you have an entirely different identity.

With the sun rays hitting your hair in front of him, he thought you looked mesmerizing.

It was the same for you. You racked your head for hints as to who he really was but nothing came up. You recovered sooner than him, and he seemed that he was in a daze... maybe someone cast a spell on him?

But you didn't waste any time and pushed him away harshly, immediately taking the globe out of its case.

Penn shouted, "No!" But he was too late.

The village was instantly powerless, and from the mountains up high, you can hear the wails of its people. Rippen smirked at you, you smirking back as you handed the ball to him.

You only heard his maniacal laughter before the three of you were zapped back into your reality.



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