Chapter Two

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I let go of the woman's hand. We had arrived at our destination. The sky was so bright that I could hardly see.

"Here we are," she told me pointing forward.

The sky started to fade and I could see again. A large building stood in front of us and questions raced through my mind. But one stood out. Who was this woman? As I started to open my mouth to formally ask her, she interrupted me.

"This is The Magic Palace," she pointed at the building.

We stared at each other for a while, trying to figure each other out.

Grabbing my wrist, she whispered to me, "I know what you are thinking, but I am no stranger."

I yanked my wrist back. What did she mean?

"No need for questions, just follow me."

I'm not sure why, but I did. Even though I had no idea who this person was, I felt like I had known her for a lifetime. The way her hair glowed in the summer light was extraordinary. When she looked at me, my heart skipped a beat. As we got closer to the building, we approached large golden doors.

When we walked inside there were rows of tables that were next to each other. Each seat had it's own plate sitting in front of it, along with a napkin and silverware. The ceilings were as high as a two story house, with chandeliers dangling from them. At the end of the tables were thrones, one large throne in the center, and two smaller thrones sitting on each side of the larger one. In the larger throne, there was an elderly man, and on either side, a young man and woman. Everyone was eating.

As the doors behind us closed, it became silent. Everyone was staring at me. The woman grabbed my arm and guided me down the main isle. We came across the thrones. The elderly man glared at me through his thick glasses. He had a long white beard and was wearing blue robes. He stood up from his chair and opened his mouth, ready to speak.

"Wait, sir, you must know---" started the woman.

"Welcome to The Magic Palace, Elena!" he smiled at me, "My name is Professor Durbain."

I nodded my head in thanks. How strange it was that all these people knew my name. The elder whispered to the woman and she stood in silence. She smiled towards me and motioned her hand to follow, so I did.

"C'mon dear, let's get you dressed!"

I followed the young woman into a big room. There were clothes everywhere! On the right there were dresses and skirts piled on shelves all the way up to the ceiling! On the left were shoes and all kinds of accessories!

"This is the dressing room! Choose whatever you like!" she said, starting a little dance.

The young woman twirled in circles singing this tune:

There are shelves and shelves of plenty,
And so many clothes to explore
When you somehow run empty,
You buy more and more and more!

She slowly faded away and I was left alone in the dressing room. I skipped around the room, my face glowing. I ran my hands across the soft fabrics of the dresses. Then I saw it. The one. It glowed from the others. It was a blue dress with sequenced sparkles scattered all around. I quickly slid it on and grabbed a pair of white high heels. I had never felt this good in my life. I felt like a princess.

The young woman came back a few minutes later, but this time she was very formal.

"Follow me, my lady," she said, motioning me in her direction.

I never had anyone call me that in my life. Well, I have never had any of this happen in my life, but that's beside the point. The young woman pointed me to a seat, pulling out my chair for me to sit in.

"Thank you!" I said politely.

She nodded her head in welcome. The strange woman from earlier sat down in front of me. It was just me and her, we sat alone in the long hall of tables.

"I'm sure you have many questions," she stated.

I nodded my head. "Yes, actually--"

"You can save those for later. Right now we have more important things to worry about!" she exclaimed.

I slammed my hand on the table. "I will not do anything until you tell me who you are!" I told her thoroughly.

She looked at me for a moment and then sighed. She nodded her head.

"You know who I am. You will figure it out soon enough."

I shook my head. This woman would not spit it out.

"You can call me Eedlin," she suggested.

I sat up straight. "Well--Eedlin--what is so important?"

She reached down for a bag and pulled out a large dusty book. She had to blow it in order to see the title. It read A Guide To Magic. I had no idea what it meant. Magic?

"Elena, you have to understand something. Remember when I said you were special?"

I thought for a moment. When we were in that dark room, Eedlin had mentioned something about that. Then it clicked. I was... Magic?

"Yes Elena. You are a witch. That's what your necklace is for, you have just never used it." she told me.

This was too much. Magic? There was no such thing. My eyes wandered around the place. Magic Palace?

"Elena, there are things you must know. There are different types of witches. May I continue?" she asked.

I swallowed. I felt like I was going to break out into a sweat any minute now. I slowly nodded in agreement.

"There are five different types of witches. The common known witch is the Green witch, who is able to heal and control the earth. The next on the list is the Blue witch, who is able to teleport and can control the sky. Then there is the Red witch. Those who possess this power have strength as strong as one thousand tons and can control fire. Next is the White witch, who has telepathy and controls the water. The rarest of them all is the Black witch. This witch is the most powerful of them all because they possess all of these powers. In this earth, only three five at a time. No witch can defeat this witch by themselves, along with using their powers on them. But there is a catch, every witch has a weakness. Some it is water, some it is fire, and some it is simply subtracting their kind. For the Black witch, however, you have to fight."

I breathed in hoping this was all over. Hoping that I could wake up and go back to Mama and Papa.

"There is one last thing. Not one witch can kill a Black witch. All four have to, along with the other lower class witches," she finished.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked her.

She blinked a few times. "I'm telling you this because you are a Black witch, Elena."

I immediately stood up in my chair. This couldn't be true.

"But how?" I asked. Tears started to form in my eyes. I wasn't quite sure why I was about to cry, but I really needed to.

"Some witches are half, meaning that one parent is a witch, and one is not. Others are self, meaning that they taught themselves into being a witch, but these witches don't get our special powers. They only get the spells in the book. Lastly, there are full witches. Those who are have parents that are both witches. You are a full witch. Only fulls can be Black witches." she explained.

Distraught, I sat back down in my chair.

"One of the Black witches has gone mad Elena. He has been killing off witches and destroying pedestrians, and you could be next."

I looked at her in understanding. I remember something on the News about an attack in Ohio.

"What do I need to do?" I asked.

She handed me the book. "Study this, and then I'll tell you what to do next."

So I did. I did for months.

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