Pt 4: Last Night

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Warning! There will be cussing in this chapter, if you don't like cussing, just skip.

Garroth POV
I can't believe he just...kissed me. And I kissed back, what is going on?! I-I don't like Laurence, I'm straight! Right? Maybe? Ugh, this isn't good. I like Laurence. He would hate me if he found out. Wait, what am I saying? He kissed me! Does he like me back? Laurence is asleep on me, I'll ask him when he wakes up. He's so cute when he's asleep... wow I sound creepy.

3rd person POV
Laurence held onto Garroth in his sleep. Every once in a while he would make little whimpering noises, grip Garroth tighter, then calm down when Garroth would pull him closer. By the time Laurence woke up, he was practically in Garroth's lap. And by that I mean he was sitting in Garroth's lap cuddled up against his chest, with is face buried in the crook of his neck. "G-Garroth?" Laurence asked sleepily as he woke up. "Yes?" Garroth answered. Laurence them realized the position they were in, and tried to get up, but Garroth held Laurence against him. "W-what are you doing?" Laurence asked nervously. Garroth just cuddled up to Laurence and said, "You fell asleep out here last night. I didn't want anything to happen to you, so I stayed out here with you," he chuckled a bit, "You pretty much climbed into my lap in your sleep." "I did what?!" Laurence said, shocked.

Laurence POV
I did what?! I'm so stupid, he probably knows now! How did I get here in the first place? What happened last night? The last thing I remember was going to Aphmau's house for the sleepover. Garroth pulled me closer to him. "I-I, um, what happened? I d-don't remember coming outside. Did we make it to the sleepover?" I stuttered. Garroth's face fell. "Oh, well, um, we did get to the sleepover, but we were playing truth or dare, and Kawaii~Chan dared me t-to k-kiss you when you weren't paying attention," WHAT?! "I-I, uh, I mean, did you?" I asked, worried. "I-I uh, yeah, I did. Y-you freaked out and Kawaii~Chan said it was her knew ship, so I tried to make s joke, and I, uh, Irene, this is embarrassing," he replied, looking down. "You did what?" I asked worried. What had he done? "I, uh, IgrabbedyouaroundyourwaistandsaiditdidmakeagoodshipandthenyoujumpedoutthewindowandIchasedyouheretoapologizebutyoukissedmeandIkissedbackandyoufellasleeponme!" He said all at once. I took a minute to let that register in my brain. "I-I, I kissed you?!" I asked fearfully. This was not good. Garroth gave a sad smile, and I relaxed a little. He probably thinks I was just really tired or something. I mean, I did kinda forget last night, so that might actually be it. Garroth pulled me closer, until our faces were only about two inches away. Shit. Then he leaned forwards suddenly and kissed me. HE KISSED ME?! HES KISSING ME! AND IM IN HIS LAP! WHAT THE NETHER IS GOING ON?! My eyes were huge, and I tried to pull away, but he held onto me too tight. When he finally let go, I jerked backwards and stood up immediately. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I yelled. Garroth just kissed me. Garroth just fucking kissed me. "I-I, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me," he said quietly, and I could tell from the tone of his voice, sadly. D-did he like me? No, he couldn't, he's Garroth! Garroth is straight! (Yeah, straight as a rainbow) Then why? Why did he kiss me? I-I, I mean, I'm not complaining, but I hate myself right now. Why did I pull away? I know I love Garroth, so why did I do that? I just stood there and he just sat there for a few minutes, before I sat down next to him. I heard him chuckle slightly. "Heh, I'm an idiot. What was I thinking, you were just confused last night. Nothing more. We were like brothers..." He mumbled half to me and half to himself. Something inside me snapped when I saw a few tears fall down his cheeks, and without knowing what I was doing, I turned his face to look at me, and kissed away his tears. He looked so sad and broken, curled up in a ball, and I just hugged him and pulled his into my lap. I held him tight, and I kissed the top of his head. He slowly drifted to sleep, I suppose he didn't sleep last night. I found myself resting my chin on his head, with his face buried in my neck, slowly falling asleep as well.

Gaurance (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant