The Unexpected Twist

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I sped down three-seventy-six, barreling toward Oakland. I'd be at my apartment in just a few minutes. For the first time since I'd moved into the one bedroom apartment there was a parking spot right out front just big enough for my little car. Breathing a sigh of relief, I backed into the spot and ran up the four flights of stairs. Striping out of my work clothes, I jumped in the shower. The bathroom steamed up as the hot water ran over my tired body. As the water stopped, I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body and hurried to my closet. Flinging open the door, my eyes fell on the endless sea of business attire that had replaced all the partying clothes from my college days. Something pink caught my eye at the back though. Something I didn't recognize. I pulled it out and admired the chiffon fabric layered over white satin, sewn in the waist was a beautiful bead and crystal belt.

What is this?

"Oh my God! Mary's dress! Thank you for being such a slob and leaving behind your clothes." My sister had always been lazy and slobbish. I'd been picking up after her since we were kids. During her last visit she'd left behind a rather expensive and gorgeous dress she wore for a cousins wedding.

Oh did she leave shoes? Please, I hope you left those sparkly shoes!

Dropping to my knees, shoes went flying over my shoulder as each pair of beige, black, and grey pump I wore to work left me more and more desperate. Finally, at the back rested a bright purple box from a store I had never visited. Holding my breath and closing my eyes, the lid came off easily. Resting inside were the too high, sparkly shoes Mary had loved so much that night.

"Oh Mary, Mary, Mary you have saved me tonight!"

My mass of hair rested in rollers as I watched a quick YouTube tutorial about sexy and sleek makeup applications. The one that seemed like I'd be able to replicate turned out to be harder than it looked. I washed my face at least five times before something quite attractive stared back at me through the mirror. It was almost seven by time I removed the dozen rollers from my hair and slipped on the dress.

Not bad, Emma. You look presentable.

Andrew was the first guy to ask me out in quite a while. I hadn't been out in nearly five years. Not since my senior year of college. A shiver of regret ran down my spine thinking of Brad. We dated for two years. Two long, miserable years. A self-absorbed party boy who didn't want to grow up. It was fun while we were in college, but as it continued well into our adult life I just couldn't stand the irresponsibility.

Doing one last mirror check, I smiled at the reflection. She looked like a proper lady, not a workhorse slaving away all day for other people. Pulling on my coat and stepping out of the apartment building, I gasped. Sitting in front was a sleek, black limo.

"Miss Johnston?" the tall, older man asked.

Staring at him, my lips pursed. He seemed so familiar.


"Wonderful. You ride is waiting, Miss."

"My ride?"

"You are meeting with Mr. Guy, correct?"

"Uhm, yes. I am. Who are you?"

"Robert. His personal driver."

That's why he looks familiar! He was the driver this afternoon.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you here? How are you here?"

"Do forgive me, Miss. Mr. Guy thought you would like a ride to Perle for your, uh, date."

"That was very thoughtful of him, but how does he know where I live?" I asked.

The Unexpected Kiss #OnceUponNow #justwriteitWhere stories live. Discover now