Unexpected proposals

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Andrew had a delivery driver pick up all the roses and set up in my apartment. I lived in a rose enthusiasts dream. Vases covered every spare inch of counter and table space. The taller vases took up room around my living room. 

"I need a bigger apartment," I muttered to myself, sliding out of my dress and kicking off my heels.

The sun waned in the sky as I turned on the shower hoping to get a good nights sleep before my appointment with the dress lady. A part of me was super excited and another was nervous.

Sliding between the sheets, I drifted off to a restful sleep. Life was finally going just how I wanted it. Melissa was gone, I got my dream job, and while I didn't get Adam...I got Andrew.

My eyes fluttered open as my phone vibrated on my night stand. Groggily I picked it up. 

Unknown number.

I swiped to ignore the call and rolled back over. 

As my eyes slid close again the vibrating started.

I picked up the phone and stared at the screen for a long moment hoping whoever it was would just hang up. 

They didn't.



"What?" I asked, closing my eyes and hoping they'd just stop talking.

"How does it feel?"

"What?" My eyes opened slightly as I held the phone away from my face staring at the bright screen.

"How does it feel knowing you got a job by sleeping with your boss?"

I hung up the call. Rolling onto my side I ignored the phone as it vibrated for a few more minutes before the woman on the other end gave up.

Was it Melissa?

Sleep eluded me for the rest of the night. I watched the minutes slip to hours. As the time for my appointment came I left from my magnificent smelling abode to head for downtown. My mood was sour and the thought of going to the Christmas Gala sucked.

Traffic heading out of Oakland wasn't so bad for a weekend. The snow had picked up and made the day dreary and cold. Stepping out of the car, I pulled my coat and scarf tighter about my body. The looming black glassed building stood on the corner. It had once been Saks Fifth Avenue. Now there was no sign, only intimidation. Pulling on the door handle, it didn't budge.

What the...

I looked around for a sign indicating the hours of operation, but nothing was to be found. I double checked the time, right when I was supposed to be there. Glancing around, I noticed a small, unassuming box on near the door. I pushed the golden button and waited.

"May I help you?" a voice asked.

"Um, I'm Emma Johnston. Andrew Guy scheduled an appointment for me?"

There was a long pause before a small buzz sounded and the door swung open. A tall, slender woman wearing a tight, black dress stood before me. The cuffs and hem of her dress were trimmed in a bright white, matching the bright white shoes she wore. 

I bit my bottom lip and curled my toes in my dirty boots while tugging at the bottom of my oversized sweater.

She looked me up and down with disgust all over her face.

"I-I didn't know it was so fancy."

"You would expect anything less from Andrew?" she asked with a sneer.

The Unexpected Kiss #OnceUponNow #justwriteitWhere stories live. Discover now