An Unexpected Bond

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My stomach flipped and flopped as I glanced over at him. Andrew had such an air of ease and relaxation about him. Nothing bothered him. My mind raced with what would be said in the office on Monday, what would everyone think, was this going to get me fired. He didn't seem to care. I picked up my own glass and sipped. People stared and whispered as the dimly lit restaurant filled with more people. 

"Smile!" a man sad pulling a camera out of his pocket.

"What? Enough of this!" Andrew stood and motioned to the bouncer standing near the bar.

The man, who liked an even bigger brick wall than the one outside, strolled over. His handlebar mustache turned up in a villainy curl. His black suit and black shirt helped in blend n with the shadows very well.

His hair slicked back with too much gel, and he wreaked of musk and cigars. 

"Everything alright here, Mr. Guy?"

"No. That man is invading my privacy. I want those pictures he has destroyed."

"Of course, sir."

The burly man towered over the now cowering man. He snatched the camera out of the guys hands and scrolled through for what seemed like an eternity before handing it over to Andrew. His lips pursed and he rubbed his temples as he finished up. Shaking his beautiful head, he looked up at the man.

"What's your name?"

"Uh, uhm, Cory."

"Cory." Andrew nodded his head while observing the man. "Why have you been following Miss Johnson here?"

"Me?" I pipped up rather surprised.

Cory nodded his head, avoiding eye contact with either of us. My heart sped up, and I broke out in a cold sweat.

Why would anyone follow me?

Andrew thought the same thing. "Why?"

"I"m sorry?" Cory asked.

"Why are you following Emma around."

I glanced over at Andrew. He sounded genuinely upset and concerned.

"Someone paid me to."

My heart slammed against my rib cage. Hands shaking, I placed my glass on the table and took a few breaths. 

Someone is actually  paying a man to follow me. Boring me.

"Who? Who paid you to follow her? How long have you been?" Andrew stood, knocking my glass over. 

Wine spilled onto the appetizer that had been delivered not long ago, ruining the delicious looking shrimp. I jumped up and moved out of the booth as the liquid rolled over the edge. Andrew didn't budge though. The ran over the edge like a waterfall for a few seconds, slowing to a dribble, and splashing off his expensive Italian loafers. The bouncer stood, shoulders squared, ready to pounce on the man. 

From the looks of him, he wouldn't be much of a problem. He shook in his spot, obviously regretting his decision to follow me in.

"I-I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? How do you not know?" Andrew slammed his hands on the table, inches from the mans face.

The only other thing that could be heard was the music in the background. Everyone in the place grew quite and watched with fevered anticipation about what the playboy of the year was going to do to this creepy man.

"H-He paid in cash and pi-picks up the photos once a week."

"How long?" I asked.

"A month."

The Unexpected Kiss #OnceUponNow #justwriteitWhere stories live. Discover now