The Unexpected Kiss

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The room was silent, except for the crackling of a fire in the far corner. Andrew's eyes glistened in the fading light that shone through the windows. We'd spilled our life stories to each other. Our vastly different life stories. While he'd maintained his families home and money, I was tossed into the foster care system a penniless orphan. My sister and I were split up for most of our childhood years, only after we were in middle school did we find a permanent home together.

It was the worst years of my life. I felt alone and isolated as I was shuffled from place to place. Some were better than others, but most were awful. Our social worker, Marie, grew to love us. She would take us after school most days so we could spend time together. She would rearrange things so we would know we had one another and we were always kept within a few miles of the other.

Now I know just how hard that was for her. I know now just how many hoops she had to jump through and all the years of negotiating with lawyers to adopt us, and I love her as if she were my own mother.

"I'm sorry you went through that," Andrew whispered.

I shrugged. "Things happen for a reason, right?"

"I suppose they do."

"I have Marie to thank for helping me turn out how I am."

"She did a great job. You're lucky."

"Considering everything, yeah, my sister and I are pretty lucky." I sipped the wine and stared into the flames that leapt up the flume. "I'm sorry your folks died."

He shrugged.

"It's snowing," he said softly, looking out one of the windows.

"It's really beautiful out here."

"It's even more beautiful now."

I felt my cheeks burn. He seemed so genuine every time he spoke to me. Not like other guys. Not like them at all.

"I have to ask you something, Andrew." I put my wine glass on the table and straightened my back.

"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good."

Ignoring him, "Why are you being like this? At least, why with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Taking me out. Asking me out. Bringing me to your home. Sharing your stories with me."

"I'm sorry if you've taken offense."

"No, no! I haven't, I just don't understand why you've chosen me."

"I don't know, Emma. There's just something about you that I can't resist any longer."

"Any longer?" I inquired.

"I've watched you for some time now, and you're just an amazing woman."

I nodded and stared down at my hands as I clasped and unclasped them. He placed his larger ones over mine and drew my gaze to his eyes.

"I have serious trust issues."

"It's okay, so do I," he whispered, leaning nearer.

"I haven't been with anyone in a long time."

"Neither have I."

"Really?" I asked.

"Don't listen to all the tabloid rumors." He chuckled.

"No. I guess I shouldn't."

"We'll be breaking a lot of company policies."

"It's my company." He inched closer to me, his knees lightly touching mine.

A shiver ran up my spine. Never in my wildest, well okay maybe in my wildest, but never in my everyday dreams did I think I'd be on Andrew Guy's couch with his knee touching mine.

"I'm going to kiss you, Emma."

I nodded. My mouth went dry, and I could feel a sweat forming on my forehead. My lips trembled as he leaned in. His face mere inches from mine. I could smell the wine on his breath and the fading cologne he'd worn earlier. The soft cashmere sweater he'd worn brushed my bare arm.  His hand moved to my knee, caressing it tenderly as he inched even closer. I could feel the slightest bit of his plump lips against mine.

I'm going to kiss Andrew. It's happening. I'm going to kiss my boss.

A smile began to spread across his face right before he closed the miniscule gap between us. A wave of ecstasy ran through me as his tongue invaded my mouth. He was warm and the kiss was delicious. I allowed my tongue to mimic his moves, slowly moving against his as I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my hands in his hair. He grasped my waist and pulled me closer, the kiss becoming more intense. I wanted to lose all inhibition with him. I wanted to allow him to take all of me right then and there.

But I knew I couldn't. I couldn't allow myself to get that carried away with my boss. We remained locked together, lips barely pulling apart for ages. I didn't want it to end.

He pulled back first, breathing heavily. His smile soft and contagious. My lips quirked up at the ends as he reached out for my hands.

"I want you to be mine."

I nodded. For once in my life I was left speechless.

"I also want you to attend the work Christmas Gala with me."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not going to hide our relationship. I own the company, I can date whoever I want."


The rest of the night seemed like a dream. We snuggled on his couch talking well into the morning. As we parted ways and Robert drove me back to my apartment a sudden loneliness sunk in. The empty darkness saddened more than I thought possible. I climbed into bed, allowing my mind to drift to the magnificent kiss and the fact in two weeks I would be walking into the annual Christmas Gala on Andrew's arm.

"Oh God, what will I wear?" My eyes shot open as I glanced at the discarded dress on the floor. "Not that one now."

Chewing my bottom lip, I knew the dress had to be amazing. It had to be as amazing as Andrew. Sleep alluded me for the night. Tossing and turning, every thought that I'd had that day went through my mind. Everything that led up to Andrew revealing he wanted to be with me went through my head. My heart beat like a jack rabbit's as daylight crept over the horizon. I had no idea how I would handle work. I knew Melissa had already started spreading rumors.

I didn't care. I decided right then and there I didn't care what she said.

The Unexpected Kiss #OnceUponNow #justwriteitWhere stories live. Discover now