Unexpected Side-affects

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I stood outside the Steele Tower deciding if I wanted to go back in to work after the amazing date and the unfortunate run in with Melissa and Adam. I knew the entire office already knew about everything. I had no doubts an interdepartmental email was sent out that night. 

"Well, if it isn't Emma," one of the front secretaries said, hitting into me rather hard.

I sighed and went through the doors. They all knew. 

"Have fun this weekend?" one of my office mates asked.

"It was fine."

"If I was screwing the boss I'd say it was better than fine." She sneered.

"I'm not...whatever."

I hid at the back of the elevator as we went to the top floor. No part of me even attempted to look up at anyone. I took the long way to my desk, around most of the other cubes. I didn't feel like explaining my personal life to anyone. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I rounded the corner to my desk. Covering every square inch of my space were roses. White roses, red roses, pink roses. They were everywhere. My face burned as I moved a few of the bouquets around. 

"Someone has an admirer," Dory said from the other side of our separator. 

"Oh God I think I might have made a huge mistake," I whispered over to her.

"Usually sleeping with the boss isn't a good idea."

"That's the thing though, we're not sleeping together." Tears welled in my eyes at the assumptions.

She popped her head up and craned her neck, looking up and down the little walkway. "Melissa sent an email."

I let my head fall to the desk and groaned. "Yeah, I figured she would."

"She said that you guys were making out in the bar and all kinds of nasty stuff."

"Isn't that against company policy? Can't she get in trouble for this?" 

"Do you have the email?"

I quickly signed in and checked the company issued email. Nothing new from Melissa.

I shook my head, looking up at Dory. She vanished to her desk and popped back up a few seconds later.

"You do now." She smiled.

My computer dinged with a new email. I clicked it and read, horrified I printed and marched directly to Andrew's office.

"Emma!" He stood quickly, knocking his coffee over. "Did you get the flowers? How are you?"

He's rambling? No, forget that! The email.

I shoved the paper at him. "Read."

As he skimmed over the rather raunchy email, his face turned beat red and the veins in his neck stuck out. "Please leave."

I furrowed my brow and stared at him in disbelief. "What?"

"I need to deal with something. I'll see you for lunch. Okay?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sure."

Walking past Melissa's new office, I glanced in as she answered her phone. The look on her face was priceless. The color drained and her jaw hung agape. She looked over at me, glaring with such fervent anger. A small part of me felt good that karma was acting so quickly on the mean girl. Sitting amongst the hundreds of roses, I just waited. Andrew's yells could be heard all across the office. I stood, peering only a bit over the top as others popped up like a whack-a-mole game.

The Unexpected Kiss #OnceUponNow #justwriteitWhere stories live. Discover now