Le pants

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Okay so you know those moments where everything is awesome the bam something embrassing just has to happen? What do its just me ?...

Okay so me and Alex were going to the buffet for her birthday ( by the way happy belated birthday ally :), ) and I saw mason there and me being the I have to impress my bf type I try walking in their looking like a total pro which I'm not for your information so I ended up falling on my face of course him being the sweetheart he is * dreamy sigh* helped me up but that's not the akward part..

Alex : omg Emily your jeans

That is..yep my jeans were ripped and I was showing my girl boxers..not that mason hasn't already seen them

"Shit ! Alex get me out of here !"

Alex : okay I got this * covers me with sweater * this will hold until we get you to Jeffery

*sigh* fine let's go

Le time skip

Jeffery : oh no bitch you ripped your jeans !

" Yes I've told you this a million times "

Jeffery : don't worry honey I got you

" this sounds bad "

Jeffery : Navea! Candy ! Little help !

" your calling for back up ?"

Jeffery : trust me I know what I'm doing

The girls walk in

Jeffery: alright girls hand her the jeans...now sweetie prepare to be...reborn !!!

" oh lord.."

*le time skip to after the fitting *

Okay to be honest these pants are actually great !, after saying bye to Jeffery I went home with Alex to see Ryan and Erin fighting each other ...sweet boy vs playboy what side are you on ?

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