uh I'm so confused!

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( this is kyle )

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( this is kyle )

It's been a week since my break up with mason and the word spread across the school. Some girl who dated my brother Erin started making fun of me and to my surprise Erin flipped them off here's how it happened. ..

Bitch : well if it isn't Erin's little sister we heard about the break up and to be honest that boy made a right choice

Erin : wow brit guess your still sore ever since I broke up with you that you have the fucking nerve to bother my sis, now unless you want me to tell everyone that I popped your cherry and broke up with you after because you were boring, you better fuck off

Her face was so red I almost died laughing, and as for Erin were a bit closer now after that. Now back to my life I got asked out by this cute kid in my art class his name is kyle and to be honest he's cuter than mason * giggles * my bffs say I should go for it but I'm still confused ,I don't know if I should stay single or go out with kyle
..lord if your hearing me from your mansion in the sky pls help me choose...and give me some food I'm hungry as fuck

and give me some food I'm hungry as fuck

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( again kyle )

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