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Erin's mind pov

Dark...it's all I see right now, Who am i ? What's my name ?, where have I been ? Those questions rush I'm like crashing river. My body felt stiff every movement I made pain shot out And it hurt like hell, my memories... only a few cane in as a flood like my name, my siblings and half my childhood, it stopped once I reached seven. Then boom I watched my mind retell my accident

(Car crash was kinda like this except the explosion and crazy shooting guy)

The darkness that I have grown fond of started to fade as my eyes open to scan the white room. I looked to my side to see an older version on my little sister...

Me: Emily ?

She looks up in both shock and happiness, her eyes were swollen and red like she had been crying for days. Her clothing was just an oversized Hoosier and batman pj pants in all honesty....she looked like a hot mess.

Emily: oh my God Erin your awake

She jumps up from her chair and I hugged back tightly damn I must've been out forever I can't believe she's already a teen !!

Emily: i got to tell emmy and Alex and the everyone else

I stare at her confused, who are they ? And why do they need to know about me if I don't know them ?

Erin: uh Em? Who are they ?

She turned to me shocked
" oh God ...."

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