The girl in the window plays music.

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The girl in the window plays music,
not for the world, but for herself.
She had a passion, rather an addiction.
When she played her violin, she transported
herself to a another world.
Music was her second language,
her songs were a message from the deep parts of her mind.
Her heart was composed with passion,
and a sense of wildness but still remained gentle.
She left her window opened every time she played on
her violin. Everyone heard it and it was this
beautiful medley that relaxed your mind
to the point you couldn't help but be sent into a soft
state of mind.
She wrote her own music, she made her own score.
That's how I fell in love with her songs.
The sadness that was hiding in those songs, it called
out to me.
I heard the loneliness in the rhythm, the cries in the melody, and the screams of pain wrapped in the harmony.
The girl in the window plays music, not for the world, for herself.

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