Best friends or more? (Harry Styles love story)

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"WAKE UP NUM NUT!! WE'VE GOT SCHOOL!!!" my sister, Holly, screamed whilst shaking me. I eventually opened one eye and said "And?" she looked at me, surprised, and pointed at the clock beside my bed "AND! It's 8:30am and we need to LEAVE the house at 8:45am!!" I glanced at my clock not believing my sister and turned back to her whilst the image processed in my mind, it's funny because i remember my clock displaying 8:29am, i looked back at it just to check. My eyes widened as i realised my sister wasn't lying, i leaped out of bed and shouted out "DAMN IT!!" i ushered my sister out of my room while she was having a laughing fit over my pyjamas (ok, so they may have been spongebob pyjamas, but spongebob is considered cool. Right?) i yanked my uniform out of my wardrobe and quickly got dressed, i knelt down on my rug, ready to do my make up but my make up bag wasn't there, "HOLLY!! GIVE ME MY MAKE UP NOW!!!" she crashed through my door uttering apoligies, placed my bag next to me and rushed straight back out. I did my make up; A thin layer of foundation and a smidge of lip gloss, we weren't actually allowed to wear makup at school but everyone did anyway. Then i did my hair; Nothing special today, as i was late up, so i just brished it and let it fall loosely down my back. I ran out of my bedroom and collided with Holly, she looked at me and smiled cheesily, i chuckled and said "Hurry up or we'll be late" I hurried downstairs to pack my bag. My school books were strewn across the kitchen table because i had done my homework last night and not bothered to clear up after myself, i collected the books one by one and placed them in my bag. My lunch, along with Hollys, was on the corner of the table. Dad had packed and placed them there last night because he had to leave for work early this morning. I grabbed mine and put it in my bag along with my books, whilst i was doing this i was shouting "FOR GODS SAKE HOLLY, HURRY UP GIRL!!" and "I'LL LEAVE WITHOUT YOU, I'M NOT JOKING!!" She bounced into the kitchen asking "Does my hair look alright?" i glanced up and saw she had curled it, i loved my little sister but to be honest she did take 'looking good for school' to an exadurated new level. I nodded in reply and a smile beamed across her face while she was packing her bag. No-one could have guessed that me and Holly were sisters, she was in year seven and i was in year ten, she had naturally straight brunette hair and i had naturally wavy blonde hair. People only knew because Holly told literally everyone and of course the fact that both our surnames were 'Allen'. Holly was looking in the mirror so i rolled my eyes and said "You look fine, come on!" while pulling her out of the door.

We walked to the bus stop at the top of our road, on the way we gossiped about boys and traded fashion tips, just like we did every morning. We stood in the bus shelter and awaited our limousine. Hmmm, yeah we wish. We waited for our old, boring 'Transportable Skegness' bus, gosh school was such a bore... just thinking about it made me feel exhausted, that may make me seem lazy but seriously you'd understand if you went to our school. Even the name is boring AND stupid 'Bill Lovall High School' i mean, come on, Bill Lovall?? Could they not come up with a better name? The teachers didn't make it any better, there is, Mrs. Sullan, she manages to make every single maths lesson depressing and then theres Mr. Madeslug (pronounced Mad-es-slug) he picks his nose and eats the boogers during lessons, he thinks we don't see but we do. The very worst thing at the moment is that my best friend ever, that makes my day way less boring, is on holiday and isn't coming back until tomorrow. How dare he go to Spain without me? Nah, only joking. I'm glad he's having fun and all, but i really miss him, he has been gone or almost 3 weeks now but tomorrow is Saturday and he said whilst on the phone to me, and i quote this "The Saturday i get back will me Anna and Harry Day. No interruptions, no nothing. Just me, you, and the presents, and since i went on holiday without you, i will do what you want, no questions asked." Anything i want, eh? I've decided i want Harry to dance like a sausage, wearing a laderhosen and singing "Anna, Anna, your so cool, your so cool you blow my world, hey Anna, hey, hey, hey Anna!" and at this point i will be laughing my socks off at him!

The bus pulled up and we had arrived at school, i watched my sister as she attempted to walk angelicly down the pathway running towards the yard, i say attempted because she stumbled twice, and slipped once. Trying to hold in my laughter, i carefully stepped of the bus and walked behind her, i heard a loud clutter of laughter, i looked up to find, a very red in the face, Holly sat on the floor where she had only just fell over, as she tried to stand up to quickly she slipped and fell down all over again only to arise a louder clutter of laughter. I joined in this time before i walked over to her and helped her up, after i had pulled her up she muttered "Thanks" and scuttered off, probably to the toilets to redo her makeup. I walked inside to meet other friends Louis, Jade, Niall, Leia, Zayn, Gigi, Liam and Ruby, they were all in the common room lounging on the sofas. We were all really close, i was closest to Harry out of all of them but we were all still really close as a group, i walked over to them all and Jade had her legs rested on Louis lap whilst reading a gossip magazine, Louis was battling pokemon against Niall, Leia was sat next to Niall watching his DS screen in confusion trying to make sense as to what was happening, Zayn and Gigi were play fighting, Liam was giving Zayn tactics on what to do and Ruby was giving Gigi tactics on what to do. I laughed as i walked over and they all looked up and Louis, being Louis shouted, "Annaaaaa!!!! Did you miss me?" I gave him the confused, sarcastic face and replied "Louis, I saw you yesterday, you carrot chopper!" and with that he slammed his DS shut, this made Zayn curse and say "Louis!! I was winning!!", Louis stood up looked at Zayn and said "Sorry mate, duties call!!" Louis bounded over to me and scooped me up in to a tight bear hug, everyone joined in and started saying "Oh yeah!! Last day of year ten!! BRING IT ON!!" they had obviously forgot that i couldn't breath so i managed to sigh "Um, guys, blonde person struggling to breath here" they all pulled away and laughed. I laughed along and we went and sat on the sofa again, we all engaged in a conversation about what we were doing in the holidays... "I'm going skiing with Gigi, Ruby and Liam" said Zayn, Liam continued the subject of this trip and said "Mate, it's gonna be awesome..." he then looked at Gigi and Ruby and continued "'s alright girls, we'll teach you how to ski" a smirk appeared on Gigi and Rubys face, Gigi turned to Liam "Oh Liam, we already know how to ski! We had lessons on the school trip you never came to!" Liams face dropped and we all laugh at him. "What about you Louis?" I asked, he looked up at me through his lashes and said "Dunno, um, PARTYING WITH THE OTHER THREE IN IBITHA I GUESS!!" he started dancing uncontrollably,  and Jade, Niall and Leia started doing 'Big fish, Little fish, Cardboard box'. Yes, everyone was going abroad except for me because  i used up my holiday when i went to Wales, of course i didn't know at the time, i only found out when mum told me when i got home, but Harrys used his up too so me and my best friend can spend loads of time together. Nawwwww i miss him so much.

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