Chapter 2 - The surprise

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I was finally on the bus jouney home after, what seemed to be, the longest and most boring day i have experienced at school. The only bit everyone looked forward to was break, lunch and, of course, the time to go home. After getting of the bus i walked home and through the door, no-one was home yet and no-one would be until later because dad was working late and my sister was sleeping at her friends house, i decided to have a little fun; i turned the stereo up to full volume and jumped around to it like a crazy person, it was more fun than i had expected but when i had finished there was nothing else to do. I tried everything that would have seemed fun to me on any other day but nothing worked, so i ended up watching telly. I was agitated, i just wanted this day to end already, i wanted this day to end so that tomorow would come and i could see Harry. I walked into the kitchen and looked in the cupboards for something to munch on, "Nice dancing" i spun around immediatly, slightly shocked from finding out that there was someone else in the house, more to the point they had seen my 'Dancing', i saw Harry sat on the worktop opposite me, i gaped slightly and he winked as a cheeky grin spread across his face,i had missed hhis smile, a smile beamed across my face aswell but it looked nowhere near how perfect Harrys smile was. He slid of the worktop and i found myself slightly running towards him, i fell into his already open arms, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding on really tight, but to him it probably just seemed like a normal hug, but this hug was anything but normal, it was filled with relief to finally have each others best friend in our arms again after three weeks. I pulled away and saw a tear fall down Harrys cheek, "Harry are you crying?" he looked at me and replied "Huh, i guess i am!" he grinned and i asked "Why?" a warm smile fell upon his face this time and he answered "Because i missed you more than you could ever imagine, you sausage!!!" i smiled and exclaimed "Awwwww, Hawwwwwyyyy!!" before i pulled him into another hug and whispered into his ear "I missed you too".

We were sat on the sofa in the living room discussing what Harry had done on his holidays and if he enjoyed but Harry stopped speaking when a noticed a mischievous grin spread on my face "So..." i started to ask "...whats happening on the girl front, Styles!" just then his signature smile beamed across his face "Well... i like this girl, but..." he had started to answer my question but he stopped "BUT!!!" i exclaimed, i must admit i loved helping Harry with his girl problems as i always loved solving problems, ever since i was little, Harrys voice interrupted my thoughts "but she has absoloutly no idea how beautiful, funny, kind and amazing she is!!" i thought for a moment and answered him with a question "Have you tried telling her?" "Everyday" He answered with a warm smile. I decided i needed more time to figure this out and by the look on his face Harry could tell i did so we dropped it, i changed the subject by asking "So why are you here early?" he looked at me and said "I decided i wanted to surprise my best friend EVER! So i persuaded mum and mick to let me catch an earlier plane back here" i looked into his greeny blue eyes and said "As i said before, AWWWW HAWWWYYY!! Your the best friend ever!!!" i hugged him once again before realising that his house would be locked because there is no way Harrys mum would never trust him in the house alone over night, not after last time and the massive house party. "WAIT!! Where are you gonna sleep tonight??" he answered with "I was gonna drive up to my sisters flat" "Harry, Th-" I was interrupted by the home phone ringing, i jumped up and said "Don't go anywhere, i'll be right back!" I walked into the hallway, picked up the phone and much to my surprise it was dad,

Me: Hello?

Dad: Hi honey, um, it looks like it's gonna be an all nighter. I'm sorry, will you ring Gigi or someone and invite them to sleep, it's just i hate the thought of you being alone...

Me: Hi dad, no need to call anyone, guess who's already here?

Dad: Who??


Dad: Oh really? I thought he was still in Spain, anyway may i talk to him?

Me: Yeah, i guess.

I pulled away from the phone and shouted out Harrys name, in an instant he was next to the phone. "My dad wants to talk to you" he took the phone an smiled cheekily at me... again. I walked out of the hallway and in to the living room standing just behind to door, i was trying to hear Harry and my dads conversation, but it was no use because Harry would have already known that i would stand behind the door and listen in. Gosh sometimes it's really hard to get away with things when Harry knows exactly what i'm going to do, he knows my next move. They were coming to the end of their conversation now and it had annoyed me that i had no idea what they were talking about. Harry had just put the phone down as he walked towards the living room, i quickly sat on the sofa hoping he hadn't seen me but knowing he had, he came and sat next to me, as he did i blurted out "Whatdidyoutalkabout?" He smirked and slowly said "Oh, nothing special" he knew how to pull my strings and wind me up, i continued asking him questions, i wasn't giving up this time "Come on, seriously, tell me Harry" Harry simply just stretched and said "It's no big deal" i hated not knowing about stuff it completely annoyed me, as you can probably tell. "So, i still want to know" i continued with my questions "Well..." he started "... I'msleepingovertonight!!" My eyes widened and mine and Harrys smile grew bigger "NO.WAY. How did you get my dad to agree to that?!" i said questioningly (<<Not sure if this is a real word) "I didn't, he asked me to keep you company and to protect you tonight, so i agreed!" He replied. "Harry Edward Styles, you are the best friend ever!!" I exclaimed, "Ah, but you see, Anna Rose Allen, i can't be because you are!" and for the third time i replied with "AWWWWW!! HAWWWYYYY!!" followed by a hug.

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