Chapter 4 - Elakk Dancin

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BRIIIIINNNGGGGGG!! Everyone started to rise from their assigned seats as the dinner bell went. When we were dismissed everyone piled out of the small single door in crowds of black, green and red (<School colours) I knew what i had to do, i had 4 years experience and i wasn't about to let that go to waste. I held my book up in front of my face, to protect it from getting elbowed, screwed my eyes shut, and i barged through the middle of the crowd pushing and shoving as much as my-small-self could. Gradually the people around me disappeared and i opened my eyes "YESS!!" i half-shouted, i was out of the 'Crushing Crowd'. I picked up my bag and started to walk towards the lockers. As i was gaining on my locker something caught my eye, a person was leant up my locker, facing away from me and looking down. As i looked at the person i recognised that familiar mop of curly hair, of course it was Harry. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around whilst smiling down at his phone, i yanked it out of his hand and looked at what he was smiling at. It was a picture of Louis standing next to a poster of a cat and the text read underneath it 'I've found my pussy, wheres yours?!! ;) x'  (<Watch Xfactor and you'll understand) i laughed and said "Really Harry, you two are so immature..." he looked at me with a fake pout on his face so i continued "...but thats why i love you!!" He smiled the most cheesy smile you could ever imagine and pulled me into a hug. As we did this, i heard the voice i hated with a passion "Oi!!! BLONDE GIRL!! PUNCHBAG!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA!!" Harry pulled away sharply and looked in the direction the voice was coming from, i did too. I knew who it was anyway, his name was Elakk Dancin he split up with me and now he persists on making my life hell. "Whats his problem?!" Harry asked whilst still looking at Elakk, i looked down and answered "umm... dunno" Harry had heard the tonw of my voice and turned back to me, "Anna..." He tilted my head up using his thumb and finger "...tell me." I looked into his eyes and said "Well... um... he kinda told everyone that i did IT with a puchbag" Harrys eyes widened, "He did fucking what?!" he asked, i tried to look down but Harry kept my head in the previous position. "I didn't though..." i started "...but i was drunk... and i was dared to kiss a punchbag and i did, but only like a peck. Nothing more" whenever Elakk was near me his presence alone made me cry, so here come the tears. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry, he's not worth it." Harry's voice always soothed me and calmed me down. "iloveyouharry" i blurted out, i was now entangled in another hug from Harry, he chuckled "Love you too gorgeous", i slowly pulled away and said "You're such a flirt Styles!" he winked at me cheekily and replied "I know, but you love me for it!!" i hit him on the arm playfully and lead him towards the common room, towards friends, towards... safety.

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