Lesson One

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The hallway reeked of garbage. Trash was scattered everywhere, rats were lingering around the cracks in the wallsーand worst of allーblood was splattered everywhere.

Two figures walked down the hell hole of a hallway, side by side, avoiding everything that they found threatening or disgusting. One had long brown locks, falling down her back. She was tall and had a straight face on throughout the way. The other had also brown hair but stopped a little past her shoulders. She was short, shorter than the average height of most Korean girls, and visibly had the face of disgust written on her face. The two were given looks from the students who were loitering around. Male students who had tattoos all over their bodies would wolf whistle once in a while, while female students who wore the skimpiest clothing and wasn't even trying to follow the school uniform policy gave them rude looks of disgust.

"Why the hell would our parents even agree to let us go to this kind of school.." The shorter one said, "Yah, Park Jihye, I'm talking to you."

The taller one, Jihye, sighed, "You think I'd know the answer for that? I'm not neither of our parents, Mihyun."

"Aish, this little.." Mihyun grumbled, "Disrespecting me even though I'm older. Yah, I'm your eonnie. Respect me more."

"Eonnie? I thought it was hyung?" Jihye smirked, but was later wiped off by Mihyun's hand that collided with the back of Jihye's head.

Park Jihye and Seo Mihyun were inseperable. The two were like sisters from different families and complimented each other; just like sugar and spice. The two had been frends since the beginning of their freshman year at JYP Institute. And now, here they were, stuck in a whole new school known for its many delinquents and trouble makers.

The two finally reached the principal's office and both gulped. The turned to each other and motioned one another to open the door and go in first.

"Park Jihye, I swear you open this door." Mihyun threatened.

"What makes you think I'd do that? You open it," Jihye replied in a whisper, "Besides, your mom was the one who suggested for us to go here."

"That has nothing to do with opening a door!" The older one replied, "...Fine! I open the door but both of us get in the same time. Deal?"


As Mihyun was about to turn the knob, the door suddenly flew open, revealing a group of good-looking boys. The group of boys gave the two girls confused looks, while the two girls had a terrified look plastered onto their faces. Behind the boys was a man, maybe in his late 40s, peeking in to see what had happened. When the man saw Jihye and Mihyun, he immediately put a smile on his face.

"Ah! You two must be the new transfer students!" The man said, "I'm BH Academy's principal, Bang Sihyuk. And you two are..?"

Mihyun was the first one to regain her mentality back and stood up immediately, "O-oh, um, my name is Seo Mihyun. It's nice to meet you, seongsaengnim. And this is, uh.."

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