Lesson Six

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Mihyun restlessly rolled around her small bed as she found herself unable to sleep. Replaying on her mind was her yelling at Suga.. The look on his face sent thousands of knives to her stomach and felt the guilt rise within her. Did she hit a spot? Was she not supposed to mention anything?

Did she react too much? Did she really need to make a show?

The more Mihyun thought about the incident, the more guilty she felt. She didn't mean to make a scene. She never expected J-Hope or the others to come and make a big deal about it. Sure, Mihyun was thankful for someone sticking up for her but they didn't even know the whole story.

"I should just sleep this off.." Mihyun mumbled to herself. As she fixed herself on the bed, a loud grumble erupted from her stomach which made the girl whisper curses under her breath.

When Mihyun had arrived home, all the lights were turned off and was greeted with silence. Mihyun had concluded that her mother was at work and wouldn't return until the morning. She wasn't surprised to find that no food or note was left for her. Mihyun wasn't even surprised that there was no food left in the refrigerator and had just decided to order takeout. But then again, she hadn't received her last allowance since months ago so she was just left to starve.

It was like this every night.

Everyday whenever Mihyun would get home, she was greeted with nothing. She had already forgotten the warmth of a family and what it felt like to be cared about and loved.

Jihye knew about Mihyun's relationship with her mother and had tried asking her to live with her family instead. Mihyun remembered the day where Jihye had offered her to live with her family. She rejected it as she couldn't find the strength to leave her mother all alone, but a part of her now regretted rejecting the offer.

A few months ago..

"Mihyun, your mother's treating you like shit. She's been starving and isolating you for who knows how long now and I can't just let that slide." Jihye said with a frown. They were currently at the local cafe nearby, deciding to get a few drinks before returning home. Mihyun sighed pushed away her bangs as she tried to avoid eye contact with Jihye who was currently looking at her with a disappointed look on her face, "Mihyun, please-"

"I can't just leave my own mother alone." Mihyun said with a sigh.

"But she's the one leaving you." Jihye snapped back.

The younger immediately stood up from her seat and left the cafe, leaving a frozen Mihyun sitting alone in the dark corner of the cafe staring into nothing.

Present time..

"I should've just said yes to Jihye.." Mihyun sighed into her pillow, trying to ignore her aching stomach that was longing to be filled.


"Why did I even decide to cook all the food this morning.." Mihyun whined.

When Jihye had met up with Mihyun early in the morning, she noticed that her friend looked like she had lacked sleep. Jihye had noticed the dark eye bags under Mihyun's eyes and saw her friend massaging her stomach from time to time.

Not to be weird or anything but Jihye knew it wasn't menstrual cramps. She knew whenever Mihyun had cramps, she'd be more talkative and grumpy instead of quiet and blank.

Jihye knew that Mihyun hadn't been eating.

"Ahh~ My breakfast was so good this morning~" Jihye said. She intentionally tried to make Mihyun snap at her; it was the only way for that girl to open up. Jihye noticed the slight twitch of Mihyun's eyebrow and internally patted herself on the back, "What about you eonnie? What did you have?"

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